By Jeanine Lynch on May 06, 2022
Category: Rehab Nursing Specialty

Happy Nurses Month

We have all been charting a course through the unknown of the COVID pandemic. As we emerge into new realities, it is more important than ever to lean on one another. Together, we can overcome such challenges like retaining our staff and recruiting new nurses to our teams. None of us alone have the answers needed to thrive in this post-pandemic healthcare environment. But working together – each of us contributing our expertise, passion, and energy – we can chart a new course into a brighter future.

Expect ARN to be by your side collecting and sharing your ideas, providing some of our own, and outfitting each of you with the resources you need to succeed.

In this last year, I have had the honor of getting to know many ARN members. However, there are many more of you I would like to meet and connect with throughout the remainder of the year. You each share a commitment to this demanding work.

Our patients come to us with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  

As a rehab nurse, you are there to assist them through their recovery and the challenge of learning new skills, such as skin care, self-cathing or bowel programs. Rehab nurses cheer their patients on as they take their first uncertain steps or feed themselves after a successful swallow study. Small victories are huge milestones, so important the recovery journey. Many of you are also there on the day of discharge as your patients transition home, and much like sending your children to school or college, you hope you taught them everything they need to know to be successful. I am so honored to be your president and to get to do this work!

You have reminded me that rehabilitation nursing is the most rewarding work I can imagine.

We have patients who return frequently to our unit, just to say another 'thank you' and to let us know how they are doing.This second chance to celebrate their progress is deeply rewarding, especially when accompanied by the cookies or chocolate they sometimes leave as a small token of their gratitude!

Nurses Month and National Nurses Week are fantastic opportunities for you and your teams to celebrate, reflect, and be extremely proud of the good you do all year, every year.

You give so much of yourself every day. I know, I have heard many of your amazing stories over the past year. Some bring smiles, others tears, but all of them reenergize me and make me so incredibly grateful for your dedication, compassion, and hard work.

Your stories should be heard by all of us!

So, I am asking you to take a few moments this week, right now if you can, to please share your stories with your fellow ARN members on Member Circle, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

I cannot wait to hear from you and learn more about you and the important contributions you are making to rehab nursing!



ARN President, 2021-2022

For more information on the celebration of the impact that rehab nurses make, visit our Rehab Nurses Month website.