Research Grant Consultation
In addition to the Research Consultations that are offered at the ARN Annual Educational Conference, you may submit general questions regarding a research proposal here. For example:
- how can I get started in developing my research idea?
- is my research topic measurable?
- how can I narrow my research question?
- how can I find background literature on my topic?
- how do I know if the research literature that I read is sound?
- do you have ideas for how I can collect my data?
- what statistical tests or narrative data analysis techniques could I use?
Anyone wishing to access the list of volunteer rehabilitation nurse researchers shall acknowledge and agree that any information provided through communication with one or more of the researchers listed is made available only for general informational purposes. Such information is not intended to provide the only, or necessarily the best, method for completing a research proposal, but rather to present views, statements or opinions of the nurse researcher that may be of interest to an individual preparing a research grant proposal. You can submit questions or request a list of volunteer rehabilitation nurse researchers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
As a condition of access, users of the list expressly waive, on their own behalf, and on behalf of any practice group or institution for which they are, or may be, preparing a research grant proposal, any and all rights, actions, and claims they may have against the Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation, its directors, officers, and agents, or against the volunteer rehabilitation nurse researcher with whom they communicate (collectively, "the Organization"), and release and discharge the Organization from any liability for damage or injury that may arise from a communication with a nurse researcher. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such waiver and release shall include any claims associated with a denial of RNF funding.