ARN Events Calendar
1: CRRN June Exam – Application Open
20: Call for General Education, Pre/Post Con, and Keynote Session Submissions Deadline
27: ARN Rehab Nursing Conference - Early Registration Open
1: Call for Nominations: Fellows (FARN) Open
1: Grant opportunities available
1: Call for Nominations: Fellows (FARN) Close
19: Certified Nurses Day
23: ARN Rehab Nursing Conference - Early Registration Closes
24: ARN Rehab Nursing Conference - Regular Registration Opens
31: CRRN Renewal – June - CRRN renewal deadline for those due June 30
1: Call for Nominees - ARN Board of Directors and NLD Open
1: National Volunteer Month
1: CRRN Renewal - June 30 Expiration Date Deadline - Without Late Fee
2: CRRN Study Materials – Live Courses Begin (Spring)
15: CRRN June Exam – Application Deadline - No Late Fees
20-26: National Volunteer Week
1: Call for Nominees - ARN Board of Directors and NLD Close
1: Call for Nominees - ARN Award and Scholarships Open
1: CRRN June Exam – Application Deadline with Late Fees
1: ARN Member Awards and Scholarships open
1: National Nurses Month
1: National Stroke Awareness Month
6: National Nurses Day
6-12: National Nurses Week
15: ARN Rehab Nursing Conference - Regular Registration Closes
2: CRRN Study Materials – Live Courses Ends (Spring)
16: ARN Rehab Nursing Conference - Late Registration Opens
26: ARN offices closed in observance of Memorial Day
1-30: CRRN - June Exam Test Window
1: CRRN December Exam – Application Open
1: Call for Nominees - ARN Award and Scholarships Close
1: Call for Grants Close
16: QI Grant Applications Open
1: Close Awards and Scholarships applications
15: Board of Directors Election Slate Open
18: ARN Annual Member Meeting
19: ARN offices closed in observance of Juneteenth
30: CRRN Renewal - June 30 Expiration Date Deadline - With Late Fee
1: Caregiver Grant Education Grant Open
1: CRRN Renewal – December - CRRN renewal deadline for those due December 31
1: CRRN applications open for December exam
4: ARN offices closed in observance of Independence Day
15: Board of Directors election ballot closes
24 – 25: ARN Rehabilitation Nursing Conference: Virtual
31: CRRN Renewal - December 31 Expiration Date Deadline - Without Late Fee
31-August 2: ARN Rehabilitation Nursing Conference: In-Person
1: Call for Nominations – Call for Volunteers Open
15: Call for Nominations – RNCB Board of Directors
30: Caregiver Grant Award Close
31: Call for Nominations – Call for Volunteers Close
1: ARN offices closed in observance of Labor Day
1: Call for volunteers opens
10: CRRN Study Materials – Live Courses Starts (Fall)
15: National Rehabilitation Week
15: ARN Awards Ceremony
15: RNCB call for volunteers, item writing, close
16-22: National Rehabilitation Awareness Week
22: Falls Prevention Awareness Day
30: Call for volunteers closes
1: CRRN Renewal - December 31 Expiration Date Deadline - With Late Fee
15: CRRN - December Exam - Application Deadline - (Without Late Fee)
29: CRRN Study Materials – Live Courses Close (Fall)
29: World Stroke Day
1: CRRN - December Exam - Application Deadline (With Late Fee)
11: Veteran’s Day
27: ARN offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving
1-31: December CRRN test window
1: Cyber Monday
2: Giving Tuesday
31: Last chance to view virtual online content from ARN's 2025 Rehab Nursing Conference
31: Evaluations due for ARN's 2024 Rehab Nursing Conference
31: CRRN Renewal - December 31 Expiration Date Deadline - FINAL - With Late Fee