RNF Research Grant Recipients

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Past Grants Given by RNF

RNF is proud to provide research grants to recipients aimed towards fulfilling the mission of RNF. In the past, RNF has partnered with several organizations including Sigma Theta Tau, the Oncology Nursing Society, and the American Nurses Foundation. RNF has also partnered with products for research in the past such as Mentor and Aventis.

The ARN Research Committee is pleased to provide links to the research completed with RNF support for the past 10 years.

Grant Recipients 2024-2010

2024: Alisha Harvey Johnson PhD, RN
Title: The Lived Experience of Older Adults with Monitoring Technologies: An Interpretive Phenomenology

2024: Elizabeth Byrd PhD, RN
Title: The Experience of Caregivers of Stroke Survivors in Rural Alabama

2023: Jenifer G Prather MPH, RN, PhD(C)
Title: A Modified Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Improve Stress and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors and Support Persons (A Modified Approach to Managing Stress; A-MAMS)

2023: Julie Hardin, MSN, RN, CRRN
Title: Improving Patient Education on Autonomic Dysreflexia

2022: Hilary Lilja, RN
Title: Improving Bedside Education for Rehabilitation Patients: A Nurse-Driven QI Project

2021: Dixie Rose, MSN RN ACUE
Title: Working Age Caregivers of Stroke Survivors: Exploring Unmet Needs, Strain, Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Their Relationship to Caregiver Quality of Life

2018: Rozina Bhimani, PhD DNP APRN-CNP CNE
Title: Effects of Mobilization Patterns on Spasticity Symptom Cluster: Understanding Functional Outcomes., Effects of Mobilization Patterns on Spasticity Symptom Cluster: Understanding Functional Outcomes

2016: Michelle Camicia, MSN, CRRN, CCM FAHA
Published Title: Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home after Stroke (PATH-s): Testing of Psychometric Properties
Learn More About the Tool: The PATHs Tool

2015: Raeann Genevieve LeBlanc, DNP ANP/GNP-BC CHPN PhD(c)
Published Title: The Effect of Social Networks on Self-Care Behaviors and Health Outcomes Among Older Adults Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions

2015: Rita McGuire, PhD RN PHCNS-BC
Published Title:
Balance Activities And Strengthening To Improve Condition [BASIC]: Training For Elders With Heart Failure
Grant partner: American Nurses Foundation

2014: Grace Campbell, PhD BSN RN CRRN MSW
Published Title:
A Pilot Study of Falls and Near Falls in Women with Ovarian Cancer Receiving Neurotoxic Chemotherapy

2014: JiYeon Choi, PhD RN
Published Title:
Providing Telerehabilitation at Home for Adult Intensive Care Unit Survivors and Their Family Caregivers
Grant Partner: American Nurses Foundation

2013: Mariam Kayle, RN MSN CCNS
Published Title:
Adaptive Challenges for Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease and their Parents
Grant Partner: American Nurses Foundation

2013: Kathleen Stevens, PhD RN CRRN NE-BC
Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in the Rehabilitation Setting (Not yet published)

2012: Amy Bok, BSN RN CRRN
Published Title: Rehabilitation Nurses' Experience When an Institutional Older Person Falls

2012: Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili, Phd RN CNSC
Body Composition Changes and Late Health Outcomes in Older Adults Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Grant Partner: American Nurses Foundation

2011: Jeungok Choi, MPH, PhD
Web-based Discharge Instructions using Pictographs: A Pilot Study
Grant Partner: American Nurses Foundation

2011: Lisa Salamon, MSN RN GCNS-BC WOCN
Title: Discharge Preparedness Instruments and Post-Discharge Outcomes on Two Inpatient Rehabilitation Units

2010: Sharon A. Bryant, RN MPH CRRN
Quality of Life in Persons with Dysphagia; Does the Frazier Free Water Protocol Make a Difference?

2010: Kristy S. Chunta, PhD RN ACNS BS CMC
An Interventional Study to Provide Telephone Follow-Up Support to Open Heart Surgery Patients during Recovery
Grant Partner: American Nurses Foundation

2010: Teresa MacGregor, MSN RN ARNP-BC
Title: Understanding Maternal Expectations & Needs Following Neonatal Hemorrhage

Grant Recipients 2009-1988

2009: Marie Boltz, PhD RN GNP-BC
Nursing Care Practices and Other Factors Associated with Physical Function in Hospitalized Older Adults

2009: Jean Boucher, PhD RN
Quality of Life During Rehabilitation: Rectal Cancer Partner Experiences with Altered Bowl Function
Grant Partner: Oncology Nursing Society Foundation

2009: JiYeon Choi, PhD RN
Caregivers of Persons on Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: Mind-Body Interaction Model

2009: Joanne Lester, PhD CRNP ANP-BC AOCN
Title: A Feasibility Study to Determine the Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Urogenital Atrophy

2008: Maryann Abendroth
Title: Understanding Caregivers' Decision Process When Choosing to Institutionalize a Relative with Parkinson's Disease

2008: Esther Chipps
Impact of an Oral Care Protocol on Post-Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Study
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2008: Cheryl Gies
Title: Web-based Psychosocial Assessment for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Feasibility Study

2008: Cynthia Peden-McAlpine
The experience of community living men with fecal incontinence

2007: Audrey Nelson, PhD RN FAAN
Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in Inpatient Rehabilitation Settings

2007: Susan Newman
Title: Community Integration after Spinal Cord Injury: Identifying Barriers and Facilitators through Photovoice

2007: Joan Wasserman
Measuring Health Related Quality of LIfe in Stroke Survivors and Spousal Caregivers

2006: Anne Deutsch
The Early Impact of the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility "75 percent rule"

2006: Mary Catherine Gebhardt
Title: Caregiver and Nurse Expectations Regarding the Recovery of the Patient with Acquired Brain Injury

2006: Beverly Reigle
Women's Rehabilitation Experiences Following Breast Cancer Surgery
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2005: Lelia S. Barks
Title: Wheelchair Seating and Pulmonary Function in Children: Rehabilitation Nursing

2005: Teresa L. Cervantes Thompson
New Caregivers' Experience of Caring
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2004: Cynthia O’Neal
The Development of a Normalization Assessment Measure
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2004: Carolee Polek
Examining Adherence to Anthrombotic Therapy: A Telephone Intervention
Grant Partner: Aventis

2004: Margaret Williams
Title: The Effect of Using the Adaptive Crawler™ on the Development of Infants with Spina Bifida, Age 6-12 Months

2004: Katharine K. O’Dell
Pelvic Floor Care Needs and Preferences in Older Women

Gerene S. Bauldoff
Wrist Actigraphy During Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

2003: Jennifer Brand
Urologic Outcomes and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Neurogenic Bladder: A Pilot Study
Grant Partner: Mentor

2003: Janet Secrest
Changes in Continuity/Discontinuity of Self in Stroke Survivors: A Reliability, Stability, and Validity Study
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2002: Carole Ann Bach
Rehabilitation Needs of Women with Spinal Cord Injuries

2002: Suzanne Dickerson
Life Changes in Individuals Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea While Accommodating to Continuous Positive Airway (CPAP) Devices
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

2001: Joan P. Alverzo
Title: Orientation and the Onset of Neurological Complications in Brain Injury and Stroke

2001: Barbara Brillhart
Evaluation of the Internet as a Media for Information and Group Support Among Those with Urinary Management Needs
Grant Partner: Mentor

2001: Teresa L. Cervantez Thompson
Rehabilitation Nursing Online: An Analysis of the Breadth and Depth of the Listserv Experience

2001: Linda L. Pierce
The Caring~web: A Pilot Study of In-home, On-line Support for Rural caregivers of Persons with Stroke

2001: Cynthia S. Jacelon
Strategies Used by Community-Dwelling Elders with Chronic Health Problems to Manage Personal Integrity
Grant Partner:
Sigma Theta Tau International

Elaine T. Miller
Stroke Impact: Quality of Life and Resources
Grant Partner: Aventis

2000: Joanne Hickey
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability for Exercise Decision Making in Stroke Rehabilitation
Grant Partner: Aventis

2000: Wendy Sue Looman
Title: Social Capital as a Family Health Resource: Instrument Development

2000: Robin Remsburg
Impact of a Restorative Care Training Program: Improving Quality of Assistance provided by Nursing Assistants at Mealtimes

2000: Jean Wyman
Take Control: A Group-Based, Self-Management Program for Women with Urinary Incontinence
Grant Partner: Mentor

1999: Debra Bournes
Title: Having Courage: The Experience of Persons Living with Spinal Cord Injury

1999: Kathleen Brewer-Smyth
A Descriptive Study of Neurologic & Neuroendocrine Differences Between Inmates Convicted of Violent versus Nonviolent Crimes in a Women’s Correctional Facility
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

1999: Janet Secrest
The Experience of Nursing Care in Rehabilitation

1998: Mary Dolansky
Title: Older Adults and Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcomes

1998: Barbara Lutz
Understanding the Consumer’s Perspective of Disability and Quality of Life: Implications for Service Delivery
Grant Partner: Sigma Theta Tau International

1998: Kyra Whitmer
A Feasibility Study of Exercise, Fatigue, and Breast Cancer

1997: Mary Burman
Trajectory Phases and Management in Rural Stroke Survivors and Their Caregivers

Susan Dean-Baar
Validation of the Rehabilitation Nursing Standards of Practice.

1997: Linda Pierce
Title: The Experience and Meaning of Caring for Urban Family Caregivers of Persons with Stroke.

1996: Nancy Flanagan
Title: An Analysis of Patients’ Values Before and Six Months After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Relation to Psychosocial Adjustment to Surgery

1996: Graham McDougall
Title: Rehabilitation of Memory in Older Adults

1996: Jolene Simon
Title: Effectiveness of Pain Management Interventions for Older Person with Arthritis

1995: Barbara Redman
Title: Ethical Conflicts Facing Certified Rehabilitation Nurses (CRRNs)

1995: Shirley P. Hoeman
Title: Factors Influencing Self-Care and Actualization for Rural Residing Puerto Rican Children with Spina Bifida

1995: Janet Secrest
Title: Differences in Perceived Post-Stroke Quality of Life Among Stroke Survivors, Their Significant Other, and Nurse

1994: Cathy Bays
Title: A Description of Hope by Older Adults Following a Cerebrovascular Accident

1993: Yvonne Scherer
Title: The Effects of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Self-Efficacy, Physical Health, Quality of Life and Activity Level in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

1992: Sandra Scheetz
Title: Levels of Functioning in the Chronically Mentally Ill: Norms and Psychometrics

1991: Mary Montufar
Title: Quality of Life in Spinal Cord Injured Persons after Colostomy

1990: Ellen Mahoney
Title: Managing the Trajectory: Determinants of Self-care in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

1989: Alexa Stuifbergen
Title: Health-promoting Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Adults with Disabilities

1988: Kathleen Sawin and June Marshall
Title: Developmental Competence in Adolescents with an Acquired Disability

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