Add these virtual events to your schedule

In the month of November, we’ll be hosting several half-day virtual add-on sessions on hot topics in rehab nursing. All add-on sessions cost $154 (or $117 for ARN members) and provide 3.25 CNE.

You can add these events during the conference registration process. If you have already registered and would like to inquire about purchasing one of these events, please contact member services via email or by phone (800.229.7530).

Don't Get Confused Between Normal Aging and Dementia or Delirium

Wednesday, November 3, 8–11:30 am CT | Presented by Betty Clark, MEd BSN RN CRRN

Many nurses are unable to distinguish between aging mental status, dementia, and delirium when a patient is first admitted to the rehabilitation setting. This presentation will give an overview of normal aging, dementia, and delirium. It will also provide interventions to help support patient/family during this time.

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Safe Patient Mobility Training—Emphasis on Patients with Hemiplegia

Thursday, November 4, 12:30–4 pm CT | Presented by Chelsee E. Wood, BSN, and Rachel Woodruff, OTR/L MHPE

This interactive workshop is designed to provide participants with a variety of techniques and strategies to establish an effective safe patient mobility (SPM) program or to enhance and strengthen an existing program. The workshop would be appropriate for nurses who have minimal to moderate experience with the SPM concepts. The workshop will be team-taught by a CRRN and Occupational Therapist.

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Rehabilitation Nursing Care of the Medically Complex Patient

Tuesday, November 16, 8–11:30 am CT | Presented by Sally Strong, RN APN CNRN CRRN

Medical complexity can mean different things to different people. To rehabilitation nurses, it means that chronic illnesses and recovery from new diseases and surgical procedures play a huge part in how our patients experience rehabilitation. For many of our patients, the disability itself may present fewer challenges than their co-morbidities.

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Stroke Recovery—From Hyper Acute to Community

Thursday, November 18, 8–11:30 am CT | Presented by Raquel Neves, RN MSN CRRN PhD 

The person facing a stroke episode starts his journey on hyperacute care. And is here where we need to start the rehabilitation journey... time can save the brain and can improve the recovery outcomes. It's important for the rehab nurses and MDT team to understand the impact of early rehab and continuity of care. Rehabilitation care goes across the continuum of care.

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2025 ARN Rehabilitation Nursing Conference

Virtual Experience: July 24-25
In-Person Event: July 31-August 2, Phoenix, AZ

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