General Sessions Delighted REACH Audience
Below is a listing of general sessions from ARN's 2018 conference. Review it to read about our great educational sessions from 2018 or learn about the ARN REACH Annual Meeting.
All general sessions provide 1 CH when attended and evaluation is completed.
The Care Reel [101]
October 18, 2018, 8 am–9 am

Kevin Pearce
Co-Founder of Love Your Brain
Newton, MA
Former professional snowboarder Kevin Pearce inspired with his story of survival after suffering traumatic brain injury while training for the Olympic trials. Kevin Pearce’s recovery isn’t just a story of his own perseverance and strength. It is also the story of the dedicated healthcare professionals that were with him every step of the way and the extraordinary family that stood by him from the time he awoke from his coma, through his recovery, through today! Kevin provided a heartwarming presentation, celebrating the love of family, saluting the contributions of caregivers, and honoring the healthcare professionals who transform lives.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the struggles of a patient in rehab
- Receive inspiration from a patient in rehab
Bounce Back: Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones [102]
Founder's Address
October 19, 2018, 8 am–9 am

Michelle Camicia, MSN CRRN CCM NEA-BC FAHA
Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center
Novato, CA
The current healthcare environment is fast-paced and complex. Our patients biopsychosocial needs are increasing, and our responsibility to care for the family system has become undeniably evident. More and more demands are placed on us in our role as a nurses. Pay-for-performance and public reporting of quality data bring higher levels of institutional pressure for rapid change. Natural disasters and threats to societal security are pervasive. In this environment of omnipresent stress and challenge nurses must develop resilience to quickly "bounce back" from adverse events and circumstances, staying adaptable amidst rapid change. In this interactive session, Michelle explored sources of challenge at the personal, patient and family, institutional, industrial, and community levels. Evidence-based strategies to enhance personal resilience were introduced to help nurses overcome adversity and grow stronger from their experiences. Methods to inspire strength in self and others, to find personal joy and meaning in work, and create positive experiences despite external circumstances were introduced.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize personal responses and sources of stress and challenge in the workplace
- Identify evidence-based strategies to increase resilience in self and system
Nutty About Rehabilitation Nursing or Just Plain Nuts? Expanding Your Horizons with Humor [103]
Closing Session
October 20, 2018, 11:40 am–12:40 pm

Debra Gauldin, ADN
Deb Gauldin Productions
Raleigh, NC
Deb Gauldin provided nurses a well-deserved opportunity to relax and rejuvenate during her closing session. Deb helped attendees reflect upon what brought them into health care and ways to remain true to their core convictions. Delivered with a blend of customized songs, cartoons, and stories, Deb addressed ways to bust stress and boost morale — personally and professionally.
Deb addressed the latest research on how therapeutic humor and positive thinking impact workplace satisfaction and patient outcomes, as well as ways to incorporate this evidence-based information into nursing practice.
Learning Objectives
- Reflect upon why participants became nurses and identify at least 2 reasons to recommit themselves to their profession
- Identify at least one way workplace satisfaction and patient outcomes can be improved by applying therapeutic humor
- Analyze how attitudinal health contributes to a positive work environment