5 Top Rehab Nursing Articles in RNJ Right Now
Have you been reading the Rehabilitation Nursing Journal? If not, pick up your copy today to get up-to-date on the industry insights and dynamic data that is influencing the practice of rehabilitation nursing today! ARN Members receive a free subscription.
Start with the following list of most popular articles to learn more about the issues that have interested your fellow rehabilitation nurses most:
Quality of Life of Caregivers of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
This cross-sectional survey of family caregivers of patients with Parkinson’s Disease in South Korea indicated that nurse-led initiatives, such as educational programs; emotional management practices, such as stress management and respite care; and navigator programs can help improve quality of life for caregivers.
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Effectiveness of Mirror Therapy for Subacute Stroke in Relation to Chosen Factors
This prospective, controlled trial of 60 stroke inpatients indicated that when combined with comprehensive treatment, mirror therapy may help prevent activity loss and is related to greater independence in performing activities of daily living among older people who have had a stroke.
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Effects of Elastic Band Exercise on Lower Limb Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty
This quasiexperimental study of older patients who had undergone a total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis indicated that an elastic band exercise program, in conjunction with conventional treatment, is linked to better rehabilitation results in this population.
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Understanding Anosognosia for Hemiplegia After Stroke
This systematic review conducted over a decade sought to describe and contextualize anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP) after stroke by analyzing the findings of 11 human studies that explored contemporary theoretical understandings of the condition, current imaging evidence of AHP, and emerging interventions.
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Vaping and Adolescents: The Next Public Health Crisis
This editorial investigates the terminology around, and the potential rationale for, the popularity of e-cigarettes among adolescents.
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