Plan Out Your Month of REACH
Get excellent virtual educational and networking events all month long by registering for REACH 2020 and preconference events. Check out the schedule below for a taste of what's coming up so you can build your perfect REACH experience. All times listed below are in CENTRAL TIME.
The CRRN Prep Course (15 CNE)
Presented in four parts: October 5–8 | 8am–Noon CDT
Barbara Winters-Todd, DNP RN CRRN, and Sue Bolyard, RN CRRN
Health Policy: Advocating the Value and Role of Rehabilitation Nurses (1 CNE, available with conference registration)
October 12 | 10:30–11:30 am
Jeremy Scott, MA; Joseph Nahra
Neural Repair and Plasticity: Is There A Right Dose of Rehabilitation? (3.25 CNE)
October 14 | 8 am–11:30 am CDT
Richard C. Senelick, MD
Pain 101 (3.25 CNE)
October 15 | 12:30–4 pm
Grand Opening: Welcome from the President, Awards Ceremony
8:30 am–9:15 am
Opening Reception (Exhibits and Posters)
9:15–10:15 am
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
10:15–11 am
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Keynote: Working As One: Bridging Generational Gaps (1 CNE)
11 am–Noon
Amelie Karam
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
Noon–12:45 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
12:45–1:45 pm
It's Not All About Wheelchairs: Supporting Mental Health in the Rehabilitation Patient
Cheryl Lehman, PhD RN-BC CNS-BC CRRN
Care of SCI Patients
Claudia Kitchin, RN BSN CRRN
Sexual Function, Intimacy, Fertility, and Reproduction After Spinal Cord Injury
Gina Biter-Mundt
Integrating Advance Care Planning as Part of Routine Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments
Maria A. Cantu-Cooper, MD
Falls: Explore and Connect QI, EBP, and Research
Barbara Winters-Todd, DNP RN CRRN; Theresa Pietsch, PhD RN CRRN CNE; Cidalia Vital, PhD CNL CPAN; Anne Deutsch, PhD RN CRRN; Susan B. Fowler, PhD RN CNRN FAHA
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
1:45–2:30 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
2:30–3:30 pm
Scientific Paper Session: Nurse Work-Life Balance/Palliative Care
1. Interventions to Improve Dependent Edema Knowledge in a Rehabilitative Nursing Setting; Marjorie Valle, MSN RN-BC
2. Trio-Rounding: Perception of Benefits and Challenges by Rehabilitation Nurses and Physicians; Tigist Mannaye, MPH BSN RN CRRN
3. Rehabilitating your Clinical Ladder Program: Incorporating the ARN Competency Model; Ashley Rochel, MSN RN-BC CRRN
Clinical Paper Session: Patient Safety
1. Benefits of Population-Based Approaches to Fall Prevention; Amy Hester, PhD RN-BC
2. Safe Patient Handling and Mobility: What is the Future of Rehabilitation Nurses; Tony Hilton, DrPh MSN FNP CRRN
3. Smart Belt Protection to Avoid Hip Fracture in a Senior Care Setting; Rebecca Tarbert, PT DPT GCS CLT
Clinical Paper Session: Leadership
1. 2020 Election: How to Advocate for ARN Legislation and Leaders; Steven Powell, MSN RN-BC
2. Development and Implementation of the Rehabilitation Nursing Academy; Hilary Touchett, PhD RN CRRN CBIS
3. New Delegation Definition Applied With State Rules For Improved Clinical Outcomes; Ruth Hansten, PhD MBA BSN RN FACHE
Visit the Exhibit Hall!
3:30–4:30 pm
Keynote: Get Busy Living (1 CNE)
4:30–5:30 pm
Nick and Lindsay Fener
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
5:30–6:15 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Fellows Induction Ceremony
8:30–9 am
ARN Research Symposium: Nursing Students with Disabilities: An Integrative Review (1 CNE)
9:15–10:45 am
Leslie Neal-Boylan, PhD APRN CRRN FAAN
Visit the Exhibit Hall!
10:45–11:30 am
Founder's Address: REACH for Opportunites in ARN to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others and Yourself (1 CNE)
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Cookie R. Gender, RN MSN CRRN-R
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
12:30–1:15 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
1:15–2:15 pm
Rehabilitation and COVID—What Has Changed in 2020?
Michele Cournan ANP-BC DNP FNP RN CRRN
Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior of Patients with a TBI and other Challenging Populations: An Interdisciplinary Approach
A. Elizabeth Koyle, PT DPT MBA PhD; Katie Palmer, MA LPC
Being a Change Agent in Changing Times
Susan Fowler, PhD RN CNRN FAHA
Creating a Successful Abstract
Leading People and Pandemics
Mary Ellen Hatch, MSN RN CRRN
Visit the Exhibit Hall!
2:15–3:15 pm
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
3:15–4 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
4–5 pm
Case Study: Rising Acuity/Complex Patient
1. Overcoming Challenges: Interdisciplinary Teamwork for the Complex International Patient; Tonya Pipolo, MBA MSN RN CNL CRRN
2. 1. The Art of Rehabilitation Nursing Assessment, Adolfo Calanoc, BSN RN CRRN
Case Study: Palliative Care
1. Working Like Dogs: The Role of Dogs in the Rehabilitation; Andrea Dube, RN CRRN
2. Mrs. Jones' Last Hurrah: A Final Tribute to a Rehabilitation Nurse; Gail L. Sims, RN MSN CRRN
5:15–6:15 pm
Paper Session: Clinical - Nurse Self-Care
1. Nurses: Caring For The Caregiver Is That Person In the Mirror; Becky R. Thayer, MSN RN CRRN
2. Vulnerability & Resilience: Dynamic Concepts for Caregiver Self-Care Strategies; Emily Havrilla, PhD CRNP ANP-BC CRRN
3. Supporting New Nurses Through the Standardization of a Preceptorship Program; Corina M. James Scribner, BSN RN CRRN; Nellie Bellot, MSN RN CRRN
Paper Session: Clinical - Pediatric
1. Pediatric Rehabilitation: Some Common and Less Common Pediatric Conditions; Margaret E. Williams, PhD RN MSN CRRN FNP-BC FABDA FARN
2. Sexuality and Sexual Abuse: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities - Pediatrics to Adulthood; Margaret E. Williams, PhD RN MSN CRRN FNP-BC FABDA FARN
3. Using Guided Imagery to Improve Pain Management Options; Shanna C. Caceres, RN
Paper Session: Clinical - COVID
1. Building the Plane While Flying: Rehab Nursing Outcomes following COVID; Sibil Alexanian, MHA RN NEA-BC; Kathryn Williamson-Link, RN MSN CNML CRRN; Anne Hubling, DNP MHSA RN CPHQ NEA-BC
2. Challenge Accepted: Rapid Response Revised Tracheostomy Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic; Elaine R. Flynn, RN MSN CRRN CIC; Lisa Pinder, RN BSN CRRN; Deborah Hodgdon, RN MSN TNCC; Nicole Bongart, RM BSN CRRN
3. From Rehab to the Doors of Critical Care; Susan V. Brindisi, MS Ed MA CHES RN CRRN; Selina Lavache, BSN DPN
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
6:15–7 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
8–9 am
Non-pharmacological and Holistic Approaches in Rehabilitation Nursing: Barriers and Breakthroughs
Prem Nathenson, DNP APRN NP-C
Mentoring: Sharing the Love of Rehabilitation Nursing
Donna Williams, RN MSN CRRN
All Hands on Deck: The Opioid Crisis in Population Health Perspective
Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Medical Issues in Pediatric Acute Rehabilitation: Spinal Cord Injury
Pushpa Abraham, CPNP
Visit the Exhibit Hall!
10–10:45 am
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
10–10:45 am
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Case Study Session: Critical Care (1 CNE)
10:45–11:45 am
1. They're Just Not Right: COVID 19 and Cognitive Dysfunction; Sally Strong, RN APN CNRN CRRN
2. Heart Failure Associated Acute Care Transfers: Stop the Revolving Door; Sally Strong, RN APN CNRN CRRN
Case Study Session: Getting Over the Fear of Falling After Stroke—Wildcat Deb (.5 CNE)
10:45–11:45 am
Gillian C. Smith, MSN RN CRRN CBIS
Break Time Activities & Offerings
11:45 am–12:30 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
12:30–1:30 pm
Paper Session: Clinical - Medication
1. An Innovative Approach on Medication Teaching in a Rehabilitation Setting; Li-Chen Lin, PhD RN; Molly Yang, MSN RN; Kavita Radhakrishnan, PhD RN
2. Medication Reconciliation: What, Why, When, How, Who, and Where; Elizabeth A. Yetzer, MA MSN
3. Impact of Rehabilitation Nursing Interventions in Reducing Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients; Monique R. Mercado, BSN RN CRRN RN-BC
Paper Session: Clinical - Discharge Planning
1. Lessons Learned in Caring for High Acuity Rehabilitation Patients (HARP); Tracy Huffman, BSN RN CRRN; Angela Harris, BSN RN CRRN
2. Effectively Preparing Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Patients and Families for Discharge Home; Marla B. Porter, MSN RN CRRN; Peter M. Cassidy, FACHE
3. Community Transitions: Implementing a Patient-Centered Education Model in Acute Rehabilitation; Laura Morris, MSN RN CRRN; Elizabeth Wojciechowski, PhD RN PMHCNS-BC CRADC; Lisa Rosen, MS
Paper Session: Clinical - Documentation
1. Wound and Pressure Injury Documentation : A Quality Improvement Project; Mary Ann Laslo, BSN CRRN CCM
2. From FIM and Beyond: Rehabilitation Nursing Evolution; Tina Roma Fisher, RN MSN CRRN; Rebecca M. Hoffman, RN BSN CRRN
3. Nursing Supervisor Workshop - Preparing for Success; Rhauliza C. Joanez, RN MSN CRRN; Kimberli Martinez, RN MSN CRRN
Paper Session: Clinical - Cultural Behaviors
1. Influence of Culture and Ethnicity on Pain: Minimizing Caregiver Bullying In A Rehabilitation Setting; Ann A. Gutierrez, MSN RN CRRN CNRN NPD-BC CBIS FARN
2. Minimizing Caregiver Bullying In A Rehabilitation Setting; Kerry Davis, MSN RN CRRN CBIS
3. Outpatient Nursing Rehabilitation Program; Raquel Neves, RN MsN CRRN PhDc
1:45–2:45 pm
Demystifying Stroke Care Across the Continuum
Health Policy: Advocating the Value and Role of Rehabilitation Nurses
Jeremy Scott, MA; Joseph Nahra
Rehabilitation Robotics: Current Research and Application
Shuo-Hsiu Chang, PT PhD
Morgan's Wonderland (*NO CNE AVAILABLE)
Brooke Kearney, MS
Breaktime Activities & Offerings
2:45–3 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Annual Members Meeting & Board Induction
3:30–4:30 pm
Closing Keynote: THE MISSION WALKER (1 CNE)
4:30–5:30 pm
Edie Littlefield Sundby, Bestselling Author and Adventurer
RNJ Consultation Session
October 23; 10:30 am–Noon
Linda Pierce, PhD MSN RN CRRN FAAN; Pamela Larsen, PhD MS RN
Post-Session Discussion
1–1:45 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Post-Session Discussion
2:30-3:15 pm
Take a break or join us for some post-session and poster discussions, networking, and more!
Diversity & Inclusion—Panel Discussion
Wednesday, October 28: 1-2 pm
Tonisha J. Melvin, DNP CRRN NP-C; Steven D. Powell, MSN RN-BC CRRN; Vidette J. Forbes, MBA RN CRRN
During this session, Vidette J. Forbes will moderate a Diversity and Inclusion panel discussion. The presentation will include dialogue on various topics such as benefits of a diverse healthcare workforce, improving diversity in nursing, creating a culturally diverse nursing team, and more!
See what fascinating programs we offered at ARN REACH 2020
Earn CNE from these sessions on evidence-based practice, new treatments, and the latest in rehab nursing, only available until December 31
Rehabilitation nursing is a diverse field of practice, and last month we built a comprehensive calendar of interactive, expert-led online sessions covering a broad scope of topics. Explore some of the recorded presentations sessions below and remember to fill out a conference evaluation in order to claim your CNE credits.
Keynote Sessions
In our keynote sessions, we compiled doctors, nurses, patients, and other experts in rehabilitation to discuss some of their first-hand experiences.
Working as One: Bridging and Minding Generational Gaps
Amelie Karam
In this session, Amelie Karam discusses the diverse healthcare workplace—and why it’s vital that leaders learn how to interact with colleagues from all generations. This session will help you clearly understand and think about how different generations respond in the workplace and how to use those generational differences to create more favorable work environments.
Get Busy Living: Documentary Screening and Live Q&A
Nick and Lindsay Fener
Hear the inspirational story of Nick’s grueling road to recovery after a devastating skydiving accident, and how rehabilitation changed his life. Learn more about this film and Nick's story.
RNF Research Symposium—Nursing Students with Disabilities: An Integrative Review
Leslie Neal-Boylan, PhD APRN CRRN FAAN
The prevalence of nursing students with disabilities is increasing. We’ll explore the results of a 170-article literature review examining whether perceptions have changed over time and analyze the implications of recent research—including noncompliance with the ADA.
Founders Address: Reach for Opportunities in ARN to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others and Yourself
Aloma (Cookie) R. Gender, RN MSN CRRN-R
Hear Cookie Gender describe how ARN has helped her make improvements in her own patient and nursing care.
THE MISSION WALKER, By Bestselling Author and Adventurer Edie Littlefield Sundby
Edie Littlefield Sundby
A story of trust, the author discusses her team, faith, and the body's ability to heal. Hear how after losing her right lung to cancer, she embarked on a 1,600-mile healing walk along the California Mission Trail.
Educational Sessions
Our 2020 roster of educational sessions covered four central areas of interest. Click below to explore the recorded sessions from each of these topics.
Practice and Delivery of Patient Care
Morgan's Wonderland
Brooke Kearney, MS
Learn how the facility has made an impact over the past decade by creating an environment where everyone can play, and how they are committed to accessibility and inclusion.
It's Not All About Wheelchairs: Supporting Mental Health in the Rehabilitation Patient
Cheryl Lehman, PhD RN-BC CNS-BC CRRN
Learn how to realize the importance of mental health support in the rehabilitation setting and to consider the importance of targeted interventions.
Integrating Advance Care Planning as Part of Routine Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments
Maria A. Cantu-Cooper, MD
Focusing on older adults, you’ll hear how care can be individualized for aging physiology and co-morbidities, by discussing what matters most through advance care planning.
Rehabilitation and COVID—What Has Changed in 2020
Michele Cournan, ANP-BC DNP FNP RN CRRN
This presentation will discuss where we are and where we might be going in rehabilitation related to the COVID pandemic.
Falls: Explore and Connect QI, EBP, and Research
Susan Fowler, PhD RN CNRN FAHA; Anne Deutsch, PhD RN CRRN; Cidalia Vital, PhD CNL CPAN; Barbara Winters-Todd, DNP RN CRRN; Theresa Pietsch, PhD RN CRRN CNE
Explore the topic of falls connecting processes and outcomes within three approaches—quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research.
Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury
Rehabilitation Nurses Panel: Demystifying Stroke Care Across the Continuum
Michelle E Camicia, PhD NEA-BC CCM FAHA RN FARN; Debbie Summers; Barbara J Lutz, PhD PHNA-BC CRRN FAAN FAHA RN; Lynn Klassman
Examine transitions of care across the stroke continuum and their impact on optimizing patient outcomes.
Care and Education of SCI patients
Claudia T. Kitchin, RN BSN CRRN
Learn the impairment scale classification according to the American Spinal Injury Association, understand other SCI syndromes, and be prepared to educate patients about the prevention and management of Autonomic Dysreflexia.
Sexuality, Intimacy, and Fertility with SCI
Gina Biter-Mundt and Steve Lau
Identify the human sexual response cycle and understand the changes that occur after an SCI, including a discussion about sexuality in your assessment of patient readiness.
Spinal Cord Injury
Pushpa Abraham, CPNP
This presentation outlines medical issues encountered in Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury, complications, and treatment strategies including nursing interventions.
Managing a Team and Career Development
Being a Change Agent in Changing Times
Susan Fowler, PhD RN CNRN FAHA
Discuss the utilization of models and theories to facilitate successful change, and the characteristics and role of a change agent.
Creating a Successful Abstract
Discuss the purpose and parts of an abstract as well as some helpful writing tips.
Mentoring: Sharing the Love of Rehabilitation Nursing
Donna Williams, MSN RN CRRN
Learn the importance of relationships, behavior and engagement with those we work with, both peers and supervisors.
Leading People and Pandemics
Mary Ellen Hatch, MSN RN CRRN
Participants will identify the key elements of leadership from a rehabilitation nursing perspective.
Emerging Therapies and Alternative Treatments
Non-pharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior of Patients with a TBI and other Challenging Populations: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Elizabeth Koyle, PT DPT MBA PhD and Katie Palmer, MA LPC
Learn three non-pharmacological techniques to be utilized with challenging patient behaviors.
Non-Pharmacological and Holistic Approaches in Rehabilitation Nursing: Barriers and Breakthroughs
Paul Nathenson, DNP APRN NP-C
Get an overview of regulatory requirements related to non-pharmacological approaches to patient care.
All Hands on Deck: The Opioid Crisis from the Population Health Perspective
Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Learn implications for care and where health professionals can engage with social determinants.
Rehabilitation Robotics: Current Research and Application
Shuo-Hsiu “James” Chang, PT PhD
Discuss various designs of upper and lower limb robotic devices, current research findings, and clinical applications.
Case Studies and Paper Sessions
Our collection of paper sessions and case studies offers you a wide range of topics to digest and discuss—from inspiring stories to how rehab nurses just like you are finding new solutions to the challenges you face every day.
Case Studies
Overcoming Challenges: Interdisciplinary Teamwork for the Complex International Patient
Learn how a team who was presented with a complex international patient, ensured the family was trained and educated to provide quality care at discharge.
The Art of Rehabilitation Nursing Assessment
Adolfo Q. Calanoc, BSN RN CRRN
This case study focuses on a patient's journey from one health continuum to the next, as an avoidable complication dictated his path to a less desirable destination.
Mrs. Jones' Last Hurrah: A Final Tribute to a Rehabilitation Nurse
Gail L. Sims, RN MSN CRRN
The final chapter in Mrs. Jones' journey is an account of a cascade of events which occurred following an 86-year-old retired nurse's seizure caused by a brain mass.
Working Like Dogs: The Role of Dogs in the Rehabilitation
Andrea Dube, RN CRRN
We’ll discuss how service dogs can be integrated into the care of clients with various disabilities, and the legal issues associated with service dogs for clients in healthcare.
They're Just Not Right: COVID-19 and Cognitive Dysfunction
Sally Strong, RN APN CNRN CRRN
A case study presentation that highlights the experiences of inpatient rehabilitation nurses in identifying cognitive dysfunction and adapting care for patients recovering from COVID 19.
Heart Failure Associated Acute Care Transfers: Stop the Revolving Door
You’ll identify best practices in the management of heart failure in acute inpatient rehabilitation settings and correlate nursing practice with acute care transfer of heart failure patients from inpatient rehab.
Getting Over the Fear of Falling After a Stroke—Wildcat Deb
Gillian C. Smith, MSN RN CRRN CBIS
Applying Mauk’s Post-Stroke recovery model to a stroke survivor five years after her initial illness will be the focus of this case study, along with looking at various ways to improve their balance and potentially prevent falls.
Scientific and Clinical Paper Sessions
Trio-Rounding: Perception of Benefits and Challenges by Rehabilitation Nurses and Physicians
Tigist A. Mannaye, MPH BSN RN CRRN
Learn how connecting the nurse, physician and patient at the bedside is a key strategy to improve patient care outcomes and communication measurably.
Rehabilitating your Clinical Ladder Program: Incorporating the ARN Competency Model
Ashley J. Rochel, MSN RN-BC CRRN
This presentation will review lessons learned and suggestions for developing and/or modifying a Clinical Ladder Program to meet the needs of any setting.
Interventions to Improve Dependent Edema Knowledge in a Rehabilitative Nursing Setting
Marjorie Valle, MSN RN-BC; Carolain Paredes, BSN RN CRRN; Julia Murphy, BSN RN CRRN
Learn how to improve your knowledge on the pathophysiology and treatment of edema in patients with brain injury in the rehabilitative setting.
Benefits of Population-Based Approaches to Fall Prevention
Amy L. Hester, PhD RN BC
Participants will define population-based versus universal fall prevention, describe the benefits of using population-centric practices, and determine strategies for evaluating and enhancing their own fall programs.
Safe Patient Handling and Mobility: What is the Future of Rehabilitation Nurses
Tony A. Hilton, PhD MSN FNP CRRN; Jill A. Earwood, MSN-HCQ CSPHP RN; Susan A. Wyatt, BSN RN; and Marie A. Martin, PhD
Explore uses of SPHM technology for functional improvement that can be sustained throughout the patient’s stay—significantly changing nursing outcomes.
Smart Belt Protection to Avoid Hip Fracture in a Senior Care Setting
Rebecca J. Tarbert, PT DPT GCS CLT; Patricia A. Quigley, PhD MPH MSAPRN CRRN; and Wamis Singhatat, BS
Attendees will recognize the effect of hip fractures on older adults, relate the challenges of mobility safety in senior care, and interpret findings of smart-belt hip protection with residents.
Pediatric Rehabilitation: Some Common and Less Common Pediatric Conditions
This presentation will provide an overview of conditions seen in pediatric patients needing rehabilitation affecting the brain, heart, nervous system, skeletal system and other body systems.
Sexuality and Sexual Abuse: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities—Pediatrics to Adulthood
Discuss the criteria for determining developmental disability, why those individuals are at increased risk for sexual abuse, and why they have unique issues related to sexuality from pediatrics to adulthood.
Using Guided Imagery to Improve Pain Management Options
Shanna C. Caceres, RN
We’ll discuss how to use guided imagery as a pain management option, share the successes of the guided imagery project, as well as the areas of difficulty.
Building the Plane While Flying: Rehab Nursing Outcomes Following COVID
Sibil Alexanian, MHA RN NEA-BC; Kathryn Williamson-Link, RN MSN CNML CRRN; Anne Hubling, DNP MHSA RN CPHQ NEA-BC
The program development, treatment considerations, and treatment outcomes of the experience of a rehabilitation hospital will be discussed in this presentation.
Challenge Accepted: Rapid Response Revised Tracheostomy Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic
Elaine R. Flynn, RN MSN CRRN CIC; Lisa Pinder, RN BSN CRRN; Deborah Hodgdon, RN MSNTNCC; Nicole Bongart, RM BSN CRRN
This presentation reviews how a multiple disciplinary care team rapidly responded, collaborating to review the current tracheostomy care guidelines in a pandemic setting.
From Rehab to the Doors of Critical Care
Susan V. Brindisi, MS. Ed. MA CHES RN CRRN; Selina Lavache, BSN DPN
Discuss the execution of emergency management, new technology in the care of the rehab patient, and best practices in employee mental health during a pandemic.
An Innovative Approach on Medication Teaching in a Rehabilitation Setting
Li-Chen Lin, PhD RN; Molly YJL Yang, MSN RN; Kavita Radhakrishnan, PhD RN
Learn how relationship-based teaching and the BATHE technique has the potential to enhance patient satisfaction and improve communication to help reduce unnecessary 30-day re-admission.
Medication Reconciliation: What, Why, When, How, Who, and Where
Elizabeth A. Yetzer, MA MSN
We’ll define medication reconciliation, why it is necessary, and identify at least three instances when it should be done.
Impact of Rehabilitation Nursing Interventions in Reducing Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients
Monique R. Mercado, BSN RN CRRN RN-BC
Expand your knowledge and improve the quality of life in breast cancer patients diagnosed with lymphedema.
Lessons Learned in Caring for High Acuity Rehabilitation Patients (HARP)
Tracy Huffman, BSN RN CRRN; Angela Harris, BSN RN CRRN
Discuss the implementation of services specifically devot
Connect Virtually with Rehabilitation Nurse Leaders
ARN's annual meeting, REACH, is going virtual, offering new opportunities for you to reach your target audiences without the risk of travel. Support the rehabilitation nursing field through advertising or by exhibiting virtually, enhancing your visibility and increasing your impact with ARN. Join us online October 20-22, 2020!
For more information or to express your interest, download the virtual exhibit form or contact Chris Schroll, Senior Manager, Public Relations, at 847.375.3661 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Virtual Expo Hall
The ARN Virtual Expo Hall will be fully interactive, allowing attendees to engage with leaders and decision makers in the rehabilitation nursing specialty. Attendees can watch the latest product demos, view technology in action, and connect directly with sponsors and exhibitors—all within the exhibitor's virtual booth!
As with the face-to-face meetings of prior years, the virtual conference will provide an excellent venue for participation and marketing from our sponsors and vendors. The robust online marketplace offers numerous new and expanded opportunities for vendors to get involved and connect with attendees. The platform provides multi-level digital booths and includes an interactive floor plan viewed from any browser or mobile device or smart phone. Customize how you want to present and connect:
Standard Virtual Booth $1,000
- Standard booth size displaying your company name
- 250 character company description
- Chat function
- Ability to upload 1 company brochure
- 4 exhibitor registrations
Silver Package $1,500
- Double booth size displaying your company name or logo
- 400 character company description
- Chat function
- Ability to load 2 company brochures
- Ability to upload video
- Opportunity to host a chat room as part of your booth
- Recognized as a Silver supporter
- 6 exhibitor registrations
Gold Package $2,000
- 3 times the booth size displaying company name, logo, or gif video
- 550 character company description
- Chat function
- Ability to upload up to 4 company brochures
- Ability to add one flyer to the Resource Library
- Ability to upload video
- Opportunity to host a chat room as part of your booth
- Recognized as a Gold supporter
- 8 exhibitor registrations
- 1 complimentary full conference registration
Online Live Exhibit Hours
Attendees will be able to access the exhibit hall 24-7 during the Conference dates and up to 3 months afterwards. However, these are the dedicated exhibit hall hours when you will receive the most traffic and attendees will want to connect with you via the built-in chat function (all hours are listed in Central time):
Tuesday, October 20
- 9:15-10:15 am
- 3:30-4:30 pm
Wednesday, October 21
- 10:45-11:30 am
- 2:15-3:15 pm
Thursday, October 22
- 9:15-10:15 am
- 5-6 pm
Gain even more visibility with additional sponsorship opportunities
Upgrade to a Passport Partner $500
Each participating sponsor will be indicated by a specialized icon in their exhibit listing. Attendees will need to visit all exhibitors listed, click the “scan my badge” button, and then collect a word from the bottom of the exhibitor listing. Once all the words have been collected, they will be used to create a special phrase. The attendee then emails that phrase to ARN to be entered in the prize raffle.
Participation in the passport program includes logo recognition in the virtual marketplace, promotional materials, and the ARN website.
The drawing will take place in the virtual ARN Membership Booth on Thursday, October 22 at 5:45 pm.
Product Theater $3,000
Product Theaters are a forum for ARN virtual exhibitors to provide attendees non-accredited educational sessions which highlight a new service or the development of a particular product. Online Product Theaters include up to a 30-minute, pre-recorded program that will be posted as part of the online curriculum. There are 6 opportunities (times listed below). The presentation will be made available during your reserved tiime and then be accessible up to 30 days post-Conference. ARN will provide Theater hosts with metrics and lead retrieval information from their presentation. Here are the available times for presentations (all hours are listed in Central time):
Tuesday, October 20
- 10:15-11:00 am
- 1:45-2:30 pm
Wednesday October 21
- 12:30-1:15 pm
- 3:15-4:00 pm
Thursday, October 22
- 10:15-11:00 am
- 5:30-6:30 pm
Web Banner Advertising $1,000
Draw more traffic to your virtual booth or to your company website with a banner ad. Located on the bottom of the screen within the session platform, banner ads catch the eye of attendees as they view the online content.
Banner ad spec size: 320 x 50 pixels
Artwork Deadline: September 25
Eblast—Pricing varies
Send a blast email to reach your target audience quickly! Announce the release of a new product; promote your products, services, and events; or drive traffic to your booth with a dedicated email blast sent directly to members from ARN with the option of including nonmember CRRNs. E-blast are sent by ARN on your company’s behalf.
HTML is preferred. If not available, submit a JPEG (650 pixel width) and links, or else a Word document with any code or links for tracking purposes. If additional images are within the Word document, please provide those JPEG images separately.
85% of attendees are directly involved with purchasing decisions
More than 85% of the nearly 1,000 REACH attendees are directly involved with purchasing decisions at their facility. Attendees at REACH 2019 represented the following positions and specialties:
Who Exhibits at REACH?
Our attendees actively engage with vendors in the ARN Resource Center because they are searching for the latest innovations in the these areas of focus:
Patient Handling & Mobility Devices |
Long-Term Care |
Pharmaceuticals |
Subacute Care |
Pressure-Relief Devices |
Transitional Living |
Rehab Nursing Recruitment |
Inpatient |
Urological/Incontinence Devices |
Brain Injury |
Wound/Skin Care |
Stroke |
Home Health Care |
Spinal Cord |
ALS, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Parkinson's Care |
Burns |
Cancer Care |
Pulmonary Disease Care |
Organ Transplant |
Major Joint Replacements |
Nutrition |
Diabetes Care |
Assistive Devices |
Electronic Monitoring & Safety Devices |
Bariatric Beds |
Thanks to Our REACH 2019 Supporters
Silver Level
Bronze Level
Thank You to Our IRC Partners
A “Thank You” to Nurses from ARN REACH 2020
You made our virtual conference possible in an unprecedented year.
COVID-19 may have driven us online, but with your support, the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses’ annual conference was a still smash success. Going digital didn’t just keep us all safe, it also opened up some exciting new education and networking opportunities. We’re already working on next year’s conference, but here are a few ways you can keep engaging with ARN REACH until 2021.
- Network with your new contacts on the ARN Member Circle, a thriving online community of job postings and discussion boards, the 2020 Virtual Conference community will be open to all 2020 attendees to use indefinitely
- Check out some stats in our recent newsfeed post
- Share some of your favorite memories, screenshots, quotes, or anything else from the conference on social media — just don’t forget to tag @AssocRehabNurse and #ARNREACH when you do!

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