Continuing Education Credit
ARN's Rehabilitation Nursing Conference is a place where nurses can reinforce their knowledge, learn new treatments and tools, meet with valuable industry partners, and connect with the larger community of rehabilitation nurses. It is a truly unique event designed specifically for nurses to help renew their energy and provide them with new knowledge and tools to continue providing excellent patient care. The content is driven by education and professional development needs as determined by membership input and the Conference Planning Committee.
By participating in this conference you will better be able to:
- Examine state-of-the-art approaches to improving rehabilitation patient care and outcomes
- Apply strategic knowledge about current issues facing rehabilitation nurses and the healthcare industry
- Incorporate evidence-based interventions into practice for the rehabilitation of patients with a variety of diagnoses
The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (Provider#: P0042) The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) is an approved provider of the California Board of Registered Nursing. (Provider #:14427)
Successful completion: participants must be registered for the conference and attend the session(s). Each participant will receive a username and password for completion of the evaluations for the conference. Participants must complete an online evaluation form for each session they attend, as well as in overall conference evaluation, to receive contact hours. There are no prerequisites unless otherwise indicated.
It is the policy of ARN that the planners and faculty disclose the existence of any financial relationship or other relationship they or their spouse/partner may have with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) or services relating to the topics presented in the educational activity. It is the responsibility of the Program Planning Committee to review potential conflicts of interest as submitted in the disclosure form and resolve such conflicts. Resolving the conflict ensures that the content of the activity is aligned with the interests of the public. Learners also will be informed when no financial relationships exist. ARN requires disclosure of the intent to discuss unlabeled uses of a commercial product or investigational use of a product not yet approved for this purpose. The material presented in this conference represents the opinion of the speakers and not necessarily the views of ARN. Note: All presentations are subject to change.
Resource Desk
If you have questions about ARN's 2021 Annual Conference, have difficulties logging in, please contact ARN Attendee Support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800.229.7530.
ARN Virtual Platform FAQs | Zoom FAQs | Breaktime Activities and Networking/Remo FAQs
ARN Virtual Conference Platform FAQs
As you set up your conference experience, here are some first-step tips to ensure you have the smoothest experience possible.
- Use Chrome or Firefox to access the conference website
- Clear your web browser history and cache
- Close any unneeded tabs
- If you connect to your office through a VPN, ensure you are disconnected from it
- If your office has a firewall that prevents streaming, have your IT staff make sure that you can access streaming audio/video
- If you are at home, make sure you are not also using streaming services like Netflix, etc. that could impact your available bandwidth
- Check your internet connection
- Use a hard-wired internet connection if possible
- If you have to use WIFI, make sure you are close to the WIFI device
- For video chat, make sure no other programs are using your camera/audio
The conference platform also has general technical support available for all events via the Technical Support link at the bottom of the conference platform page, available Monday–Friday, 8 am–8 pm CDT.
How can I access the virtual conference platform?
If you are registered for the conference, you will be sent an email with access instructions for the virtual ARN Conference platform. If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact member services at 800.229.7530 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How do I access the schedule?
Once you have logged in to the virtual ARN Conference platform and have completed your profile you will be taken to the home screen. Among the menu items on the left-hand side of the main page, click on the "Schedule" dropdown and select "Full Schedule."
How do I join a live session stream?
From the schedule, click on the session you are trying to join. A pop-up will appear. If the session is about to start, a button titled "Join Live!" will appear. Click that button, and you will be entered into the waiting room for the session.
How do I add sessions to my schedule?
On the Full Schedule screen, clicking on the star icon next to a session will "favorite" that session. When you favorite an item, it will show up under "Schedule"> "My Saved Sessions." You can also favorite posters to add them to your schedule. Posters can be accessed in the left-hand menu.
*Note: You must register for pre-conference/ post-conference sessions separately. Even though you can favorite these sessions and add them to your schedule, it does not mean you are actually registered. If you are unsure if you are registered for a session please contact member services at 800.229.7530 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How do I access the virtual poster hall?
Select "Posters" from the left-hand menu of the virtual ARN Conference platform. There is a Poster List and a Poster Gallery. The poster list will list out all posters, similar to the sessions. The Poster Gallery will open up an interactive poster wall. Both of these options will provide you a way to search for posters, view poster PDFs, listen to poster audio, and rate posters for the “People’s Choice Poster Award”. Similar to the schedule, you can favorite posters you want to show up in "My Schedule" by clicking on the star next to each poster.
Note: Not all posters have recorded Poster audio. If a poster includes audio, it will begin playing when you click the “View Poster” Button.
Can I interact with the session and poster presenters outside of the session times?
Yes! The ARN virtual conference platform has both a Q&A and Discussion feature that will be available for every presentation (sessions and posters). In the schedule or posters sections of the platform, click on the session or poster that you want to ask a question on. Then click on the "Discussion + Q&A" button. If you have a question for the presenter, please enter it in the "Questions" section. If you have a question or comment that you want other attendees to be able to respond to, enter it in the "Discussion" section.
How do I access recorded sessions after the live session has taken place?
After a live session finishes, a recording of the session will be made available. In the schedule section, click on the session you want to watch. If the recording is available, you will see a button that says "Watch On-Demand." This button will not be available until after the scheduled live stream of the session. Sessions that are exclusively On-Demand will be available to watch On-Demand for the entirety of the conference.
How do I access the slides from presentations?
In the schedule section, select the session you want. Click the "Slides" button next to the presenters' names. If a presentation has additional handouts, you will see a "Handouts" button.
How do I know the start and end times for Case Study and Paper Presentations if there are multiple presentations taking place during one session?
When you access the Schedule, you will see that the Paper and Case Study presentations are organized grouped into themed sessions. When you click on a Session Theme/Title (i.e. "Paper Session: Scientific – Nurse Work Live/Palliative"), that session will expand to show all of the different presentations contained in that session.
Note: The individual presentation times within a session time are estimated as closely as possible to their timeslots, but may not be totally accurate, as some presentations may run over or under the time on the schedule. We recommend that you pay closer attention to the overall Session Theme/Title's time rather than the individual presentation time.
How do I access my evaluations/CNE?
You will need to complete separate evaluations for the overall conference, each of the sessions you attended, and the posters you reviewed. To complete the overall conference evaluation and/or the session evaluations, click on the "Session Evaluations" link on the left-hand menu of the virtual ARN Conference platform, which includes additional instructions on completing your evaluation and accessing your certificate. Similarly, to complete evaluations on posters, click on the "Poster Evaluations" link on the left-hand menu.
How long will I have access to content?
All content will be accessible for review through February 10th, 2022. This is a firm deadline that will not be extendable. Some content may be available after this date in alternative formats for purchase.
When do I need to complete my evaluations?
All evaluations will be available for completion through February 10th, 2022. This is a firm deadline that will not be extendable. Please complete your evaluations by this time if you wish to receive credit for the sessions you attended. Some content may be available after this date in alternative formats for purchase.
Zoom FAQs
How do I join a scheduled session?
After accessing the schedule in Cadmium, you will scroll to the session you would like to join and click on it. A pop up will appear. If the session is about to start, a button titled "Join Live!" will appear. Click that button and you will be entered into the Zoom waiting room for that session.
How do I get admitted from the Zoom Waiting Room?
The meeting host will transfer you from the waiting room into the meeting approximately 5 minutes before the session starts.
What if I want to call in using my phone rather than my computer?
There are two ways you can call in to a meeting to listen to your phone audio rather than your computer audio. The first way is by selecting the option before you enter the meeting room. When you are allowed into the meeting room you should see the box (pictured right) appear. If you want to join through your phone audio you will click “Phone Call”, and you will be provided with multiple numbers you can use to call into the meeting.
If for any reason you do not see the image above when you are entered into the meeting, you can access this same screen by clicking on the up arrow next to the microphone at the bottom of the screen and select “Switch to Phone Audio”.
Once I am in the meeting, what should I do?
Upon entry to the meeting, enable your camera by clicking on the camera icon in the toolbar at the bottom left of the Zoom meeting so your computer camera is enabled, allowing other attendees to see you. When the icon is enabled, it will NOT have a red slash through it, it should look like this.
How do I ask a question during the meeting?
Use the "Chat" feature to ask a question. Utilize the "Chat" by clicking on the "Chat" icon in the Zoom toolbar. The icon looks like this:
Once you click on the icon the "Chat" window will appear where you can type your questions in the "Type message here" section (highlighted):
Why can't anyone in the meeting hear me when I am talking?
All attendees will be muted for the entirety of the meeting to assure there is no background noise and that everyone can hear the presentation.
Why is the picture fuzzy with poor sound quality?
This may be because you have a weak internet connection. Make sure you have a strong WIFI signal or you are directly connected to the internet with a wired connection.
Breaktime Activities & Remo FAQs
How can I access Activities in Remo? What if I forgot my password or cannot find it?
You will have to set up a Username and Password to log into Remo. If you have forgotten your Remo password, you can utilize the "forgot password" feature on Remo to reset it.
How do I test my camera and microphone?
You can run a system check to make sure you are ready to use Remo. Remo works on PC and Mac Computers as well as iPhones and Android smartphones. Remo is not compatible with tablets currently. For the optimal experience we suggest using the Chrome browser on your computer.
How do I join an event in Remo?
Each of the breaks/events will be linked to the main conference schedule. Once you click on the event link, you will be brought to a welcome landing page. Click on "Join Live!" and enter your username and password or sign up if you have not created a profile yet. You will then be let into the event! (note: if you click on the link prior to the start time, you will see a "Save me a spot" button, which just means you will receive a reminder email 15 minutes before the session begins).
How do I interact with others in Remo?
You can communicate via video as well as the chat feature. Once you are at your desired table, turn on your camera and mic (both at the bottom of the screen). You can use the chat feature (also located at the bottom of the screen) to message all attendees in the event, just the attendees at your table, or to privately message another attendee one-on-one.
How to I move from one table to another?
As soon as you double click on another table, you will automatically be placed at that table if there is a vacant spot. It is recommended that you let your table know you are leaving, then turn off your camera and mic. Once you have decided you want to be at the next table you click on, turn your camera and mic back on to join the video chat.
How do I make the video chat screens larger?
When you are chatting with your table, click "tile view" to view all participants in an equal, larger format. If you want to view just one participant in the larger format, click on that participant after you are in tile view. You can also make one participant full screen. You can click "back to floor" if you want to resume back to viewing the floorplan while remaining in video chat.
What if I need help?
There will be ARN staff present during each event at top left table labeled "ARN Help Desk." You can join the table to ask questions or send a direct chat to "ARN Staff."
Event Safety & COVID-19
ARN is constantly monitoring the state of the COVID-19 pandemic. The following COVID-19 safety protocols have been put in place to ensure a safe meeting experience for everyone.
ARN Rehabilitation Nursing Conference COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Current protocols for those participating in in-person meeting components in Providence, RI, include:
- All attendees are required to befully vaccinated and will be asked to show proof of vaccination to enter the event space.
- Masks are required for all indoor events and activities.
- COVID-19 testing options will be available near the meeting venue and hotels.
Vaccination Requirement
The most effective way to ensure the safety of all attendees is for them to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Proof of full vaccination is required for all in-person meeting attendees, exhibitors, and staff.
Please note:
- Only vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO) will be accepted.
- A person is considered fully vaccinated:
- 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, or
- 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
- ARN will contract with a third-party vendor to manage the verification process on-site. More detailed information will be available in the coming weeks.
Masks are required for all indoor events and activities.
According to the CDC, infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant. To reduce their risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant and potentially spreading it to others, CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial or high transmission.
On-site COVID-19 Testing
Resources near the meeting venue and hotels will be identified for attendees to obtain a rapid test for those who experience symptoms on-site and for those who must show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test in order to board their return flight. Please note:
- Attendees who have a positive COVID test result are encouraged to share their results with ARN staff.
- Should ARN learn of a confirmed COVID case during and/or after the conference, attendees will be notified via an email.
These protocols are accurate as of September 10, 2021. ARN will continue to monitor the ongoing situation and make updates to this page when additional information becomes available. If you have questions or concerns, please contact ARN Member Services at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800.229.7530.
Rhode Island Convention Center & Hotel COVID-19 Precautions
ARN is working closely with the Rhode Island Convention Center on safety logistics, including enhanced cleaning and sanitation standards and placement of hand sanitizer stations.
ARN’s host hotels also have heightened COVID-19 safety precautions in place. Please use the following links to learn more:
Rehab Nurses, Better Together
We at ARN know this has been a challenging year for many, and especially for rehab nurses. Rehab nurses need and deserve a break from the added daily challenges and stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic. We sincerely hope and believe that ARN’s 2021 Rehabilitation Nursing Conference can offer that opportunity to invest in professional development, get inspired, and connect with fellow rehab nurses and industry members.
Many ARN members have expressed a real desire to be at the conference in Providence for the kind of support, encouragement, and rejuvenation we now know is difficult to achieve through a screen. If that is you, please join us by registering for the hybrid meeting option. Many other ARN members have shared that travel restrictions, personal safety concerns, or an increased workload due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases has put traveling to conference out of reach. If that is you, please join us by registering for the virtual meeting option, which will also include chances to learn, connect, and grow.
Whatever format you choose, we look forward to gathering hundreds of rehab nurses from around the country this November. Always remember: Rehab nurses make the world a better place!
Eager for the Education at ARN’s 2021 Rehabilitation Nursing Conference?
Attend sessions that inspire, invigorate, and enlighten—from wherever you want to learn
Rehabilitation nurses are experts at caring for patients’ bodies and minds—and now it’s time to focus that energy on yourself! Take the time to get inspired, invigorated, and enlightened at ARN’s 2021 Rehabilitation Nursing Conference.
Click through the topic areas below to see just a few of the educational opportunities available at the ARN conference November 10–12. Then, save your seat for programming designed to help you improve your practice and your well-being.
All attendees will have access to all sessions on-demand until February 10th, 2022, so you can take advantage of all sessions at the conference and gain more than 60 CNE credits. View the full schedule of conference events.
Stroke, TBI, and Neurorehabilitation
Delirium Versus Dementia: A Compelling Case for Rehabilitation Nursing Education Across the Continuum of Care
Betty Clark, MEd BSN RN CRRN
This presentation will explore the onset of delirium in a memory care center during the COVID-19 lockdown. It will include how to distinguish delirium from dementia, and provide causes, symptoms, and interventions to manage delirium. During the pandemic, a tragic case involving an elderly woman led to death. This patient/resident remained undiagnosed with delirium and tested negative for COVID even up to the time of her demise. The presenter is an experienced rehabilitation nurse who will add a personal touch since she was the primary caregiver for her mother- the patient/resident in this presentation. Due to the strict lockdown, the primary caregiver could only manage by phone until the patient was admitted to a hospice service which then allowed her daily visits. Fortunately for the patient, her daughter identified the delirium events as she had been the research nurse /educator for a CMS delirium grant. The patient fell five times during lockdown causing multiple fractures. She experienced acute delirium after each fall. Her cardiac issues of chronic CHF and atrial fibrillation rendered her a non-surgical candidate. She presented with different delirium symptoms after each event. Both licensed and non-licensed staff failed to recognize these changes in the patient with dementia as they had extremely limited delirium education. Rehabilitation nurses need to be vigilant in cognitive assessment of delirium in all settings and be equipped with knowledge of multiple causes and make evidence-informed decisions. This presentation will provide techniques for assessment and suggestions for the implementation of nonpharmaceutical interventions to prevent devastating adverse outcomes such as falls.
Management of Neurogenic Bowel & Bladder and Autonomic Dysreflexia
Robert Winston, DO
This lecture will discussion physiology, neuroanatomy, as well as practice guidelines for management of neurogenic bladder, neurogenic bowel, as well as autonomic dysreflexia. Participants will be able to recognize various patterns of bladder dysfunction, understand acceptable bladder volumes, and indication for catheterization at a given schedule/interval after spinal cord injury.
An Evidence Review Targeting Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Patricia Zrelak, PhD RN NEA-bc CNRN SCRN PHN FAHA, and Cristina Moran, MSN RN CCRN
Careers in Rehab Nursing: From Staff Management to Self-Care
Writing for Publication in RNJ
Pamala Larsen, PhD MS RN
Chaos of Crucibles to Grit with Grace: Resilience’s 7 Cs
Ruth Hansten, PhD MBA RN FACHE
Super-Sized Strength Needed: Can We Thrive!
Joy Parchment, PhD RN NEA-BC
Spotlighting a Specialty: Bringing Rehab into Nursing Schools
Abigail Mawhirter, BSN RN CRRN
Implementing and Sustaining a Shared Governance Program Within Nursing
John Best, MBA MSN RN
Staying Ahead of the Curve: How PSO Participation Impacts Quality and Patient Safety
Janet Pue, DPT NCS
With the continued focus on performance and quality, it is imperative that organizations can set targets and benchmark performance against their peers. Participation in a Patient Safety Organization (PSO) allows facilities the opportunity to benchmark against other rehab hospitals and receive timely feedback; helping to drive improvements in areas of patient safety and quality. Also, the sharing of best practices through webinars that are specific to inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, allows for a united focus for providing the best patient care across the country. The presenter will describe EQUADRSM, the first AHRQ-designated PSO targeted specifically to inpatient rehabilitation.
Updated Competency Model for Professional Rehabilitation Nursing—Application to Practice
Stephanie Vaughn, PhD RN CRRN FAHA FARN and Jill Rye, DNP RN CNL CRRN FARN
An ARN Competency Model Task Force of experts updated the original Model, developed in 2014, to reflect current rehabilitation nursing practice and the tenets of the current ARN strategic plan. Literature and Model Description. The Model identifies 14 essential role competencies across 4 distinct Domains: Nurse-led Interventions, Promotion of Successful Living; Leadership, and Interprofessional Care. The competencies were further defined into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of nurse proficiency. Strategy and Key Revisions. Upon thorough review by the Task Force, key revisions include: 1) addition of a competency to Domain One that focuses on the understanding of the worldview of individuals who are culturally different reflecting rehabilitation nursing’s multicultural approach and global reach. ARN, through its mission and strategic plan, purports that rehabilitation nursing care be inclusive, non-biased, and culturally sensitive. 2) Addition of the word interprofessional to the Domain Four title reflecting nursing peer collaboration and feedback process integral to professional nursing practice in the rehabilitation setting. 3) The definition of family throughout the Model was modified to include any person or persons who provide support and care to the patient (client). Rehabilitation nurses are strong advocates for the patient-family and acknowledge social conditions that may influence their ability to access and receive care in the appropriate setting. And 4) clinical exemplars were added for each Domain that illustrates its competencies for an evidence-based practice. Outcomes. Implications for Model utilization include integration into ARN educational materials, e.g., Core Curriculum book, webinars, etc. as well as a framework for onboarding of new and evaluating current rehabilitation nursing staff and explicating that nurse role on the interprofessional team in healthcare organizations.
Delivery of Patient Care
Rehabilitation and Covid—Impacts and Lessons Learned
Michelle Cournan, DNP RN CRRN ANP-BC FNP
Covid 19 has had a significant impact on healthcare over the past 2 years. Healthcare including rehabilitation has seen both negative and positive impacts on care delivery. This presentation will discuss the impacts that the Covid pandemic has had on rehabilitation practice and provide some thoughts as to how rehabilitation practice can use the lessons learned to advance practice and patient care.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the negative impacts of Covid on the health care industry and rehabilitation
- Describe the positive impacts of the Covid pandemic on the rehabilitation industry
- Discuss how ARN can help lead change as a result of lessons learned.
Sexuality, Reproduction, and Disability
John E. Bertini, MD FACS
This presentation will present the current evidence-based information and resources related to sexuality for patients with disabilities. Topics will include etiologies of sexual dysfunction, treatment options for sexual dysfunction, and issues in Sexuality and fertility medicine.
Sexuality Education: Pediatric/Adolescent Patients, their Family and Personnel: CARF Standards
Margaret Williams, PhD RN FNP-BC CRRN FABDA FARN
This presentation discusses the CARF Medical Rehabilitation, Pediatric Specialty Program, standards related to providing developmental and age-appropriate sexuality education for children/adolescents, for their family/support system and for the personnel who serve them. Information is covered concerning sexual development across the developmental span. along with methods and resources for providing education and anticipatory guidance. The focus is on how normal sexual development is impacted when children and adolescents have an injury, illness or impairment resulting in a developmental disability and unique issues related to sexuality. Included is information on recognizing sexual abuse and why these children/adolescents are at increased risk. Also included is information on the relationship of sexual abuse to self-esteem and social skills and how personnel can provide anticipatory guidance related to the risk for sexual abuse.
Advanced Treatment Options for Pressure Injuries
Stephanie Yates, MSN RN ANP ANP-BC CWOCN
Interventions to treat pressure injuries are widely varied. In addition to the usual topical care, adjunctive therapies have been evaluated, Use of the various interventions depends on the stage of the wound and patient-related factors. In this session, the appropriate use of advanced therapies will be reviewed resulting in an overall treatment plan. Patient agreement and participation in the treatment plan is essential.
Medical Cannabis 101
Michael McKenzie, MD
Cannabis (A.K.A. Indian Hemp, Gunjah, “Marijuana”, Bhang, Hashish, Industrial Hemp) is an ancient plant that has a 5000+ year history of cultivation and multipurpose use. From Fibers to oils to medicines, human beings have been utilizing this versatile plant for millennia. In terms of medical application in the US, extracts of Cannabis have been listed in the US Pharmacopeia from 1851 until 1942. Numerous factors from political to financial caused Cannabis to fall out of favor, to become banned and criminalized by the US Government in 1937, and to be listed as a Schedule I substance in 1970. In recent decades, there has been a renaissance of increased awareness and research of the medicinal benefits of the cannabis plant. At the same time, prohibitionist laws have been relaxed in numerous US states, allowing for the medical use (and in some cases nonmedical adult/ “recreational” use) of Cannabis. However, Nursing education as it relates to Cannabis has not kept up with the newly passed medical Cannabis laws in different states. Hence the need for nationwide Nursing education. The purpose of the lecture is to provide some basic knowledge of the clinical and therapeutic application of various Cannabis derivatives to different diseases. Hopefully, this serves as a springboard to encourage Nurses to engage in further research and study, thereby enhancing his/her knowledge base. The result is expanded patient options and improved patient outcomes.
Person-Centered Performance Measurement, Management, and Improvement Systems
Terry Carolan
Two key components of a quality rehabilitation program are a person-centered philosophy that is implemented across disciplines and embedded in daily practice and a robust performance system. The performance system is established to measure, manage, and improve results for the persons served in the programs. Many times, these two cornerstones are practiced without integration and become words on marketing information or gathering of data only. This session will review the foundations of both and give examples of how to merge and revitalize these foundations of rehab in your programs.
Rehab Nurses Instill Hope: Assisting Clients/Patients in the Pursuit of Travel Experiences to Promote Successful Living
Sue Brown, MSN RN CCM CRRN and Eric Bergman, RN CCM
Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, travel was a frequent leisure activity for many. In fact, domestic leisure travel increased 1.9% in 2019 to 1.9 billion person-trips. Leisure travel accounted for 80% of all U.S. domestic travel in 2019. These travelers included those with chronic illness or disability. With the increasing availability of vaccinations, it is anticipated that travel will resume; and it is important that rehabilitation nurses can educate and empower their patients to pursue domestic and international travel activities. It is especially important for those with a newly acquired illness or disability to understand that travel is an activity that they can still enjoy (or pursue), and actively participate in with their loved ones or independently. Adventure travel will be explored as an activity for the disabled population as an avenue to strengthen one's confidence and self-esteem. This presentation will incorporate the Competency Model for Professional Rehabilitation Nursing and explore the various websites and resources for the disabled traveler helping to guide attendees and enhance their ability to advise and support their clients. Data from accessible travel studies and IATA Global Accessibility Symposium will be discussed as well as the importance of destination research, travel insurance and planning for the "unexpected."
Implementing a Seamless Rehabilitation Plan 24/7: A Focus on Strategic Integration of Rehab Nursing and Therapy
Paula Martinkewiz, MS RN CRRN
Rehabilitation teams are often faced with difficulties in establishing a seamless care delivery system especially between nursing and therapy. This session will examine methods of integrating strategies to ensure a seamless 24/7 service delivery system that is focused on a patient-centered philosophy. Two teams will share their experience, program goals, strategic plan, focus areas, and strategies to create a seamless clinical delivery system 24/7.
Standardized Handoff to Bedside Reporting at a Pediatric Hospital
Debra Miller, MSN RN CNL CPN
A quality improvement initiative was implemented with the use of a standardized patient hand-off tool, IPASS, and was enhanced by moving the location of shift-to-shift report to the patient’s bedside. Clinical nurses were provided with the education of the evidence that demonstrates how standardized handoff combined with bedside reporting can prevent communication errors, which have led to sentinel events. Bedside reporting promotes patient safety, improved communication between nurses and patients, improved patient and staff satisfaction, and can prevent unnecessary hospital expenditures. Having the nurses engaged in the process of this quality improvement initiative has proven to be more effective than a top-down leadership approach. This nurse-led quality improvement initiative demonstrates how standardized handoff and bedside reporting can be achieved and sustained.
The Heels Are Red: What Do We Do Know?
Theresa Pietsch, PhD RN CRRN CNE; Beverly Reigle, PhD RN; Pamela Larsen, PhD MS RN; and Cynthia Jacelon, PhD RN-BC CRRN FGSA FAAN
Common clinical problems with rehabilitation patients lend themselves to solutions through a quality improvement process. This session describes a clinical problem, ‘their heels are red’, and how the rehabilitation nurse would address this patient problem using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) framework. A clinical scenario of a typical patient with this problem is presented. Using this scenario, each step of the process is discussed from writing time-specific aims, reviewing the literature, implementing an intervention, analysis of the outcome, and how the results could be applied to practice.
Population-Specific Fall and Injury Fall Prevention
Patricia Quigley, PhD MPH APRN CRRN FAAN FAANP FARN and Amy Hester, PhD RN-BC
Within and across rehabilitation settings, clinical fall prevention programs continue to implement programs based on an over-reliance on a fall risk score and universal precautions, despite evidence that this approach is not successful. During this presentation, rehabilitation nurses (RNs) will be challenged to redesign their practices and apply expert clinical knowledge to develop fall and fall injury prevention based on specific populations, i.e., left vs. right stroke, Parkinson's Disease, chronic low back pain, TBI, and hip fracture, according to evidence-based fall and injury risk factors. Using the nursing process, RNs will generate individualized care plans, implementation, and response-to-care evaluation methods that result in changed plans of care. Finally, participants will redirect outcome measurement from fall incidence to mitigation and elimination of fall risk factors.
Collaboration Between Nurses and Speech-Language Pathologists to Support Patients Who Have Complex Communication Needs
Rebecca Koszalinski, PhD RN CMSRN CRRN , and Amanda Simmons, PhD(c)
This interactive module will a) increase nursing knowledge about patients who have complex communication needs and b) inform rehabilitation nurses about current collaborative efforts to support patient communication needs. Participants will be able to describe sources of missed communication opportunities and potential patient consequences.
Promoting Hospital Room Independence and Communication for Individuals with Complex Rehabilitation Needs
Tabatha Sorenson, OTD OTR/L ATP CAPS; Terasa Farlin, RN CRRN; Susan Fager, PhD CCC-SLP; and Judith Burnfield, PhD PT
Inpatients’ capacity to control their hospital room environment and communicate with healthcare professionals is critical for wellbeing during rehabilitation from serious injuries and illnesses, yet many adults and children with limited manual dexterity face barriers using traditional nurse call/pillow speaker systems. Barriers include poor compatibility between specialized switches and differing nurse call systems, fragility and complexity of integrating multiple controllers, regulatory barriers, and insufficient staff with appropriate expertise for technology set-up and maintenance. Additionally, many systems cobbled together in larger rehabilitation settings are simply not readily available for use in smaller rehabilitation units, or intensive and acute care settings. To address this therapeutic technology gap, our team developed an intuitive and easy-to-use adaptive controller that enables individuals to control their hospital room (e.g., lights, television, shades) and communicate needs (e.g., medication or toileting) using their residual function (e.g., a sip-and-puff of air or a toe wiggle). The system was designed to integrate with commercially available nurse call systems. Technology development, driven by existing literature and subsequent study, involved iterative design refinements based on feedback from inpatients with a wide range of abilities and clinicians including nurses, occupational, physical, and speech therapists, and physicians. This presentation will describe scientific underpinnings associated with the technology’s development, as well as clinical applications and research outcomes arising from use with different populations such as SCI, brain injury, and burns. Case studies will highlight customization and use across diverse levels of care. The impact of device implementation on patient satisfaction and nursing care delivery will be discussed. Patients recovering from serious injuries and illnesses often have complex needs that hinder independence. Affordable tools that promote patient independence and communication could not only improve patients’ emotional wellbeing but also free rehabilitation team members to direct greater attention to patients’ broader therapeutic needs.
Caring for the Caregiver
Caring for Those Who Care: Addressing Unmet Family Caregiving Needs in Diverse Communities
Jacqueline Boyd, BS
The Diverse Elders Coalition’s “Caring for Those Who Care: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers” training curriculum has two goals: to further our understanding of family caregivers of diverse elders’ experiences and to improve the multicultural capacities of healthcare and social services providers to better serve diverse caregivers. Many of the curriculum’s cited research and statistics were the synthesis of a literature review, stakeholder interviews, findings from a nationwide survey, and a series of focus groups with family caregivers, in collaboration with the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. The cultural competency components of the curriculum are continuously being refined to account for group differences and to represent the most accurate information regarding our diverse aging communities. This session will provide an overview of the needs of diverse family caregivers, specifically from LGBTQ, Latinx, African-American, Asian-American, Southeast Asian-American, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities. The workshop will highlight recent original research collected by the Diverse Elders Coalition, in addition to best practices and practical tips to provide culturally informed care.
Implementing a Caregiver Assessment and Plan of Care in Clinical Care: Challenges, Facilitators, and Benefits
Michelle Camicia, PhD RN NEA-BC CCM FAHA FARN and Barbara Lutz, PhD RN PHNA-BC CRRN FAAN FAHA
This session will provide an overview of the challenges, facilitators, and benefits of implementing the PATH2Caregiving™ Program. This program includes a caregiver self-assessment using the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home© (PATH) instrument supported by funding from RNF and available on the ARN website ( This assessment is used to develop a tailored plan of care. We will discuss various methods of administering the assessment and integration into the electronic health record. Experiences of how rehabilitation nurses utilize this information to improve care delivery will be shared. The results from a study on the implementation of the program demonstrating patient and caregiver outcomes and recommendations for program implementation will be discussed. This will be a dynamic session that will provide practical information on how to optimize care by implementation a caregiver assessment and plan of care in clinical care. It is a culmination of foundational rehabilitation nursing research and translation into clinical care. This will be a dynamic session that will provide practical information on how to optimize care by implementation a caregiver assessment and plan of care in clinical care. It is a culmination of foundational rehabilitation nursing research and translation into clinical care. Further, we will demonstrate the possible trajectory and evolution of work through possible through RNF funding. This presentation will illustrate how RNF funding can be used to launch a collaborative program of research and rapid implementation to improve clinical outcomes.
Emerging Treatments and Research
National Program of PEVS Research—Patient and Workforce Safety Outcomes Before and During COVID-19
This program of research provides participants with knowledge about the published body of evidence from 3 large-scale national multisite studies that confirm the effectiveness of an interactive video surveillance program that engages patients and the healthcare team. During the initial COVID-19 surge months, resilient, expert, nursing, and health workforce repurposed this successful program to meet the needs of patients, families, pastoral care during urgent and emergent isolation environments. Participants will learn about the structures, processes, and outcomes of program redesign to expand capacity during unprecedented demand on nursing and healthcare workforce.
Increasing Patient and Caregiver Engagement Using Mobile Health Applications
Mary Ann Laslo, MSN RN CCM CNL CRRN and Sun Young Park, RN CRRN
Family caregivers report they are ill-prepared for the caregiving role. This lack of preparation has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and because of restricted visitation. Using evidence-based education and technology interventions, such as Teach-Back and the mHealth application has been shown to improve patient and caregiver education. This presentation will describe the development of a mHealth platform in a regional inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) to improve the family caregivers’ preparation for discharge. Written materials were selected by rehabilitation nurses and converted to digital format and included on a mHealth platform. The caregiver account is established upon acceptance to the IRF, and the caregiver(s) download and utilize the mHealth app to receive education. Materials are sent to the caregiver(s) based on the patient’s diagnosis on a schedule to gradually introduce information and resources. Educational materials to support skill-building based on the needs of the patient and caregiver are delivered in accordance with the timing of training. Videos are uploaded to share the patient’s performance and demonstration of skills with the patient involved. Input from family caregivers and staff was incorporated throughout the development of the mHealth platform. Challenges and lessons learned from this nurse-led implementation will be discussed. A demonstration of the mHealth application will be shared. Staff satisfaction, feedback from family caregivers, and clinical outcomes will be presented.
Designing an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application/Device for Use in Hospitalized Patients: A Feasibility Research Study
Susan Fowler, PhD RN CNRN CRRN FAHA; Jennifer Foley; and Keely DeGroot, MSMOB
This presentation will address verbal communication challenges in hospitalized patients especially those with physical and/or cognitive barriers including endotracheal tubes, tracheostomies, and aphasia. The nuts and bolts of communication will be reviewed with a focus on augmentative and alternative communication applications. Research of use of a one application called the Arthur App will be presented from idea to study implementation and findings. Observation of patients with barriers to verbal communication yielded rich knowledge about their experience and for future direction of these type of applications. Case studies will be presented to highlight challenges and successes.
Embracing Telehealth to Bridge the Gap to Access to Care
Josef Mendez Lopez, BA BSN CRRN; Evangeline Collier, BSN; and Jacob Herzog, BSN
Access to care is something fundamental in medicine. Now, more than ever, we must find ways to bridge the gap in access to care with Telehealth. This presentation will show you how several nurses are contributing to the effort of using Telehealth to increase access to care in several ways. With their efforts, Telehealth has become one of the pillars of services in their departments. In comparison to 2019, there has been a 9100% increase in usage while covering approximately 46% of their respective patient registry. The patient population demographics comprise of all ages and ruralities, so Telehealth is applicable anywhere no matter who you are or where you live at!
Innovative Functional Clothing to Reduce Fall-Related Head Injuries
Patricia Quigley, PhD MPH APRN CRRN FAAN FAANP FARN; Amy Hester; and Nico De Wilde
All rehabilitation nurses know the importance of wearing head protection for people with higher fall risk. Ribcap is an amazing technology that revolutionizes how to approach head injury prevention. Ribcap is on a mission to change the lives of those in the falls & injury risk community. Innovative clothing empowers people to be themselves, break down stigmas by allowing them to be active without the fear of a (head) injury. All other helmet technology has been met with resistance due to the weight, design, and lack of personal appeal.
Rehab Outcomes of Seated Positioning—Research and Nursing Intervention
Lee Barks, PhD ARNP CRRN
This presentation is about conducting and using rehab nursing research. It will report findings of an older pediatric study about wheelchair positioning and pulmonary function and a more recent study with older adults about wheelchair seated posture and health outcomes. Translation to practice will be briefly discussed, as well as the grant process and publication for these studies. Ethical issues in research related to case management will also be briefly discussed.

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