We are pleased to present the September issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
All Rehabilitation Nursing News
Each manuscript submitted to RNJ is processed through the Editorial Manager software system. Melissa Bellows, the RNJ Editorial Assistant, checks the manuscript to make sure that all the pieces are there that the journal requires. This "check" does not look at the quality of the manuscript but looks at the details required in submitting the manuscript. If the manuscript is complete, Melissa forwards it to me as editor-in-chief. I look at every manuscript and decide if the topic is in the scope of the journal and would be of interest to RNJ's readers. If the manuscript is poorly written and there are many gaps in the paper, I might send it back to the author(s), explain the issues and ask them to re-submit. These manuscripts receive a disposition of "revise, no guarantee of publication". Other times if I feel that the manuscript cannot be revised enough to be published, I will send it back to the author with reasons why it did not go out for peer review.
The Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse (CRRN®) exam is offered twice a year, in June and December, and offers rehab nurses the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to the field through specialty certification.
Join ARN on Wednesday, September 22 from 12 -1 pm CT via Zoom to network and learn more about the new Special Interest Group (SIG) program. The new SIG program will be explained during the first part of the meeting and then all attendees will be sent into SIG breakout rooms based on their interests.
ARN is committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for all 2021 Rehabilitation Nursing Conference attendees, exhibitors, vendors, staff, and community. It is in this spirit that ARN has elected to require masks as well as proof of vaccination for anyone who wishes to participate in the in-person components of the conference taking place November 9-12, 2021, in Providence, RI. A negative COVID-19 test will not be accepted in place of proof of vaccination to attend.
In her September President's Message, ARN President Dr. Patricia Quigley examines a recent, first-of-its-kind study that quantifies the impact of visitation restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic on patient experience and safety outcomes. The article is a must-read for rehab nurses as they continue to face ongoing challenges of limited and eliminated visitation privileges for their patients in the midst of the pandemic.
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your September/October issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
Join ARN and the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses (NAON) on September 9 at Noon CT for a livestream webinar on preventing hip fractures. ARN and NAON recognize and celebrate integration of expert orthopedic and rehabilitation clinical nursing knowledge, skills, and practices that maximize function, independence and safety of patients living with risk for hip fractures or known hip fracture. Across orthopedic injury conditions, hip fractures are one of the most disabling orthopedic conditions.
We are pleased to present the August issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest of rehabilitation nurses.
Join ARN for the Post-Acute Care Nursing Leadership webinar series! This four-part webinar series presented by ARN Board Member and VP of Nursing Operations at Encompass Health, Mary Ellen Hatch, MSN RN CRRN, will cover main topics in post-acute care nursing like personal foundation, leading people, engaging patients, and peer collaboration.
We were notified by LWW, Rehabilitation Nursing Journal's publisher, that the impact factor (IF) for 2020 was 1.645. This is an incredible jump from last year's factor of .931. So, what is an impact factor and why are we journal folks so excited about it? Each year in June the journal receives an IF from Journal Citation Reports. This organization tracks citations from 20,000 journals from 113 countries. Journals are from the sciences, arts and humanities, and the social sciences.
Interested in publishing a clinical manuscript but not sure where to start? Join ARN and Pamala D. Larsen, PhD MS RN, on August 25 at 12 pm CT for an informational webinar that will focus on how to identify clinical topics, search the literature, and develop and write clinical papers that are publishable. Time will also be spent on finding the right journal for publishing the article, key steps in writing the paper, how to decipher a journal's author guidelines, and the use of query letters.
We are pleased to present the July issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
In her August President's Message, ARN President Dr. Patricia Quigley revisits past months' calls for ARN member participation and introduces a new opportunity for rehab nurses to contribute: Reimagining the rehabilitation nursing specialty by "disrupting—for the better—long-standing practices that leave nurses under-developed, under-utilized, and under-appreciated."
Gabrielle P. Abelard, DNP PMHNP PMHCNS-BC RN and Terrie Black, DNP MBA CRRN FAHA FAAN recently published an editorial in Rehabilitation Nursing, the official journal of ARN, about self-care and gratitude in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The editorial, which is accessible to all ARN members, is published in the May/June 2021 issue of RNJ. Access the full article >
*August 6, 2021 Update: The livestream version of this webinar has been cancelled and will no longer take place at the originally planned time of August 10, 12 pm CT. A recording remains available. Get this webinar on demand >
Join Raquel Neves, PhD MSN CRRN RN to demystify the secrets of correct and safe practice. Raquel has been a rehab nurse for nine years in three different countries. She is passionate about stroke and rehabilitation and sharing her experience with others. In this webinar she will explain what moving and handling is, where it takes place, the importance of doing it safely, and best practices.
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your July/August 2021 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
The Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse (CRRN®) exam is offered twice a year, in June and December, and offers rehab nurses an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to the field through specialty certification.
In her July President's Message, ARN President Dr. Patricia Quigley encourages rehabilitation nurses to begin preparing for Fall Prevention Awareness Day (September 22) and Week (September 22-28) to help raise awareness about how to prevent falls.
*August 4, 2021 Update: The livestream version of this webinar has been cancelled and will no longer take place at the originally planned time of August 5, 12 pm CT. A recording remains available. Get this webinar on demand >
Join ARN & NAON on August 5 at 12 pm CT for this informative webinar as Alena Lester, DNP APRN FNP-C ONP-C, discusses an overview of osteoporosis risk factors and screening practices, and associated fracture risks. The latest evidence-based practice guidelines for the nonpharmacological and pharmacological prevention and management of osteoporosis and associated fractures will also be discussed.
The Rehabilitation Nursing Certification Board (RNCB) is accepting applications for the CRRN Advocacy Award for 2021. The purpose of the award is to recognize healthcare organizations that advocate for certification for rehabilitation nurses, providing support to and recognition of certified staff.
Each year, ARN offers members scholarships to advance their development and their practice. The application deadline for the scholarships listed below has been extended through July 15, 2021.
Novice writers often find writing for journals intimidating. The internet has brought many other writing opportunities such as blogs, wikis, e-newsletters, etc. Oftentimes these other options can be a 'jump-start' to publishing in a journal or writing a book chapter. What is different, though, is the writing style. On social media, the writing style is conversational versus the scholarly writing in Rehabilitation Nursing. As an example, a conversational style of writing is used in writing articles for the RNJ Corner. Some of you might want to take the next step of writing scholarly articles. You have a great quality improvement project that changed practice in your facility; however, you don't know how to turn it into an article.
Join Patricia Quigley, PhD MPH APRN FAAN FAANP FARN, and Lyndee Leavitt, BSN RN ONC, on July 22 at 12 pm CT as the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) and the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses (NAON) recognize and celebrate the integration of expert orthopedic and rehabilitation clinical nursing knowledge, skills and practices that maximize function, independence and safety of patients living with orthopedic conditions across settings for care. Across orthopedic conditions treated with conservative or surgical interventions, pain, restricted mobility, and loss of muscle strength and range of motion, and other conditions influence even further loss of function and independence. These same conditions increase the risk for falls. While falls remain a leading adverse event among this population, especially the elderly, solutions do exist to prioritize and reengineer fall prevention programs to mitigate and eliminate modifiable risk factors, avoid over-reliance on universal fall prevention practices and shift practice to population-based fall prevention. Examples of leading populations include orthopedic conditions that result in chronic pain, back injuries, hip and/or knee replacements.
Most people who have had COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks. But too many people continue to experience symptoms and negative impact after their initial recovery. These people have been called "long haulers." This includes a variety of possible symptoms, including cognitive impairment, fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, and kidney dysfunction and many others.
Last month, ARN members and CRRN certificants were invited to participate in an Engagement Survey conducted by ARN's Engagement Task Force. Thank you to everyone who responded to this call for feedback and shared their insights!
One of the most looked-forward-to aspects of ARN's annual conference is the opportunity to recognize and celebrate stand-out rehab nurses through award recognition. ARN represents thousands of rehab nurses. Nurses who work day-in and day-out to advance patient care and rehab nursing as a specialty. ARN's awards program has historically recognized nurses based on their role, including awards for advanced practice nurses, case managers, educators, nurse executives, nurse managers, and researchers. View past role award winners >
ARN is soliciting input from its members on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Rates Proposed Rule (CMS-1752-P).
We have all had patients who don't seem to want to take our advice or listen to our education. Join Tracey L. Connolly, MSN RN AGCNS-BS CRRN WCC, for this webinar on July 13 at 1 pm CT that will offer tips you can use every day to help motivate patients to participate in their own care and listen to the education that you need to provide.
The impact of effective discharge training on our patient's quality of life.
Post-surgical care plays an important role in the success rate of heart surgery and it improves patients' quality of life. A recent Rehabilitation Nursing Journal study details how a better quality of post-operative care will increase the success rate of cardiac surgery and can help prevent any further complications.
Throughout the month of May, Nurses Month, ARN joined with ANA and organizations around the world to recognize nurses and the tremendous work they do. Each week of the month focused on a different theme, including self-care, recognition, professional development, and community engagement. All month long, ARN members were invited to participate in a call for video reflections, responding to questions like 'What do you love most about being a rehab nurse?' Today we are sharing some of our favorite submissions from ARN members Debbie Thomas, RN CRRN and Pat Quigley, PhD ARNP CRRN FAAN FAANP FARN.
In her June President's Message, ARN President, Dr. Patricia Quigley, shares a personal reflection on how far we have come to face the COVID-19 pandemic. She also shares ideas to help nurses celebrate and enjoy the start of the summer season!
As Americans prepare to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday this week, we also commemorate the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's murder at the hands of police last Memorial Day on May 25, 2020. Since Mr. Floyd's death, ARN has been steadfast in its commitment to condemn unjust treatment, acts of racism, and discrimination. It is in this spirit that the ARN Board of Directors and members of the ARN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force share this statement today regarding the April 2021 Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict.
Family caregivers are central to a successful discharge home for patients receiving inpatient rehabilitation services; yet their needs and concerns are often not assessed. Completing and documenting a comprehensive caregiver assessment has become a national priority.
This final week of May and Nurses Month, ARN encourages all members to engage with their local chapters as we celebrate the theme community engagement. More than two thirds of ARN members belong to a chapter. Thank you to the many hardworking chapter leaders and members whose work provides needed community and resources to rehab nurses at the local level.
ARN Board Member Mary Ellen Hatch explores long-term COVID-19 implications in new article
Last year began with plans to celebrate nurses as the World Health Organization designated 2020 as The Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Then just a few months into the new year, the COVID-19 pandemic created a massive challenge that nurses and healthcare providers worldwide stepped up to handle. Now as these same nurses and healthcare providers begin reflecting on the past year to both continue fighting COVID-19 as well as to begin assessing how to take steps into a post-pandemic future, leaders like Mary Ellen Hatch, MSN RN CRRN, are beginning to publish their insights and experiences.
This third week of Nurses Month is focused on the theme professional development. It's an opportunity for you to create a professional development action plan to help you excel and lead in your nursing career. It's also a great time to inspire and help other rehab nurses in their professional journeys.
Read on to learn about ARN resources designed to help you take the next step in your career (and some great Nurses Month promos, too!).
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your May/June 2021 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
We are pleased to present the May issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
Join ARN for two upcoming poster series webinars designed to provide information and resources for poster presenters at ARN21!
Each submitted manuscript to RNJ is processed through iThenticate, a plagiarism detection software. As the editor, I receive the manuscript as well as a percentage score from iThenticate (1-100%).iThenticate calls the score and accompanying phrases a 'similarity report'. The software compares the submitted manuscript with a database of web pages - 70 billion active and archived ones; works from scholarly publishers representing every discipline from online and offline content - 90 million (including PubMed/Medline, EBSCOhost, and a host of others); newspapers magazines, encyclopedias, periodicals and books – 170 million; and 300,000 theses and dissertations that are available through ProQuest. The result (percentage) measures to what extent the submitted manuscript matches writing from previously existing sources. The software then highlights the phrases that match the text in an existing source and provides links to those sources. iThenticate and Turnitin are part of a parent company called iParadigm. Turnitin is similar to iThenticate in that it searches the same sources, but in addition, searches 1 billion student papers.
Here at ARN, honoring rehabilitation nurses is our passion, joy, and purpose. More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we feel it's more important than ever to make sure rehab nurses get the extra support and appreciation they deserve. So we're following ANA's lead, and we're celebrating rehab nurses the entire month of May, with a special focus on weekly themes of self-care, recognition, professional development, and community engagement.
Join ARN health policy expert, Jeremy Scott, on May 27 at 12 pm CT and learn how to make your voice heard at the federal level by engaging with Congress and the Administration. This webinar will provide an overview of the key issues on the ARN health policy agenda in 2021 to advance the rehabilitation nursing profession. ARN's new advocacy platform, Congress Plus, will be introduced. Scott will also provide a summary of the health care priorities expected to advance in the 117th Congress and under the Biden Administration.
In her May 2021 President's Message, Dr. Patricia Quigley invites ARN members and all rehab nurses to celebrate Nurses' Month, which will take place throughout the month of May, by taking time to celebrate themselves and their colleagues.
A key goal of ARN's 2020-2023 Strategic Plan is to enhance stakeholder engagement, including how we engage members and Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurses (CRRN®s). An Engagement Task Force was deployed in 2021 to develop tactics towards advancing this goal. One of the task force's first actions is to conduct a comprehensive engagement survey.
ARN congratulates Board Member Susan B. Fowler, PhD RN CNRN CRRN FAHA FCNS, on her achievement of receiving the 2021 Mary Decker Mentorship Award at American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (AANN) 53rd Annual Educational Meeting!
During the past year the ARN Board of Directors, Governance Task Force, and staff have been busy on many fronts to enhance the ARN programs, structure, and processes. The vision has been to increase inclusivity, efficiency, and effectiveness for ARN members.
We are pleased to present the April issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
This week, ARN joins volunteer-driven organizations around the world by giving special recognition to the individuals who contribute their time, talent, and voice to volunteer with ARN. ARN's network of volunteer leaders make a difference every day; their extraordinary work at the national and local levels brings ARN's mission to life.
All ARN voting members are encouraged to participate in an electronic vote on proposed Bylaws changes. Members received instructions for voting via email and they can also access their electronic ballot by clicking the Vote Now button below. The deadline to submit votes is April 14, 2021, 11:59 pm CT.
A copy of the ARN Bylaws with proposed changes are available for review, along with the rationale for the changes.
If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed Bylaws changes, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for your continued support and participation in ARN! If successful in passing, we are confident these Bylaws changes will allow our organization to become more inclusive, efficient, and effective for you, our members.
Does multiple sclerosis and its symptoms impact your patient's risk of loneliness? The Rehabilitation Nursing Journal article, "Loneliness in Multiple Sclerosis: Possible Antecedents and Correlates," discusses the relationship between multiple sclerosis (MS) and loneliness. The article, which was written by Drs. Balto, Pilutti, and Motl, is centered around a study that uses the Perlman and Paplau's social psychology theory of loneliness and the UCLA loneliness scale to examine and compare the extent of loneliness between adults with MS and healthy adults.
Learning to write an abstract is a skill that will help you disseminate scholarly work through publication, a poster, or conference presentation. An abstract is a summary of a research study, quality improvement (QI) or evidence-based practice (EBP) project, or body of work. The abstract is as important as the article itself since it is often the first part of the article read. It allows the reader to determine if they want to read the entire article. The abstract should be concise (typically 150-250 words) but detailed enough to stand on its own. Abstracts are written after the article is complete and should be written in the past tense since you are reporting on what has already been completed. Below are headings typically found in abstracts:
Join ARN on May 4 at 1 pm CT for an informative webinar where you'll get the opportunity to learn about spinal cord injuries and their treatment from presenter Margi Williams, PhD RN CRRN FNP-BC DDP FABDA FARN.
Dr. Patricia Quigley's April 2021 President's Message discusses steps ARN and other organizations can take to address the aging nursing workforce by researching workflow, practice, and environmental changes that support older nurses' health and function.
Don't miss an important webinar focusing on certain patients hit especially hard by the COVID-19 virus. Sally Strong, RN APRN CNRN CRRN, will shed light on how this coronavirus can spark an overreaction in some individuals' immune systems. Strong will discuss the adverse effects that can take place in the cardiopulmonary, hematologic, and neurologic systems. This webinar will explore techniques to meet the needs of COVID-19 patients in a rehab setting and include a discussion about the long-term consequences of COVID that rehab nurses will encounter in their patients in the coming decades.
We are pleased to present the March issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
A new publication co-authored by ARN Board Member Dr. Grace Campbell discusses the challenges of pain management in patients with serious illnesses and a history of substance use disorders (SUDs).
National Certified Nurses DayTM is an annual day of recognition for and by health care leaders dedicated to nursing professionalism, excellence, recognition, and service. Every March 19, employers, certification boards like the Rehabilitation Nursing Certification Board (RNCB), education facilities, and health care providers celebrate and publicly acknowledge nurses who earn and maintain the highest credentials in their specialty. Certified Nurses Day honors nurses worldwide who contribute to better patient outcomes through national board certification in their specialty.
The Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse (CRRN®) exam is offered twice a year, in June and December, and offers rehab nurses an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to the field through specialty certification.
The Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) contains educational content that focuses on contemporary rehabilitation nursing practice across the continuum of care and the lifespan. The journal is published every other month and provides opportunities for professional development, as well as a forum for the dissemination of information pertinent to practice, education, research, and administration. RNJ strives to provide a journal that disseminates timely information and new trends in practice each issue.
This 8 article collection from ARN's Journal, Rehabilitation Nursing, details the impacts, both psychological and physical, of stroke, while containing research and clinical articles that focus on stroke survivors and their family caregivers.
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your March/April 2021 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
There are many benefits to being an ARN member, but did you know that it might make you eligible for a scholarship? If you're looking to earn your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or are looking to earn a graduate degree like a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), or a doctorate in nursing (PhD, DNP, DNS/DNSc), you should strongly consider applying for an ARN Scholarship. Each of these scholarships offers financial assistance of $1,500.
Dr. Patricia Quigley's March 2021 President's Message highlights key aspects of ARN's history and role in establishing a competency model for rehabilitation nursing, as ARN prepares to issue an updated model later this year.
ARN President, Dr. Patricia Quigley, issued the following message via Member Circle on February 22, 2021, to memorialize the grim milestone passed in the U.S. on this day when the country exceeded more than half a million lives lost to COVID-19. Members may login to view responses to Pat's original message and leave their own comments here.
Complete with its own launch event on February 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the initiation of their new Rehabilitation Competency Framework (RCF). In development since 2017, this framework is designed to serve the needs of countries whose rehabilitation workforce is under-equipped to meet their population's pressing needs, whether due to large-scale shortages across professions and specializations or issues of quality and relevance.
Mark your calendar for March 31, 2021, from noon–1:15 pm CT, when ARN will host the webinar Re-engineering Fall Prevention During COVID-19: Observations from the Field.
This complimentary webinar will feature presenters Dr. Amy Hester, PhD, RN, BC and Dr. Patricia Quigley, PhD, MPH, APRN, FAAN, FAANP, FARN, who will discuss the changing demands in inpatient rehabilitation units caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Participants can earn up to 1.25 CEs for their participation.
We are pleased to present the February issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
Did you know that the number one reason new members cite for their decision to join ARN is that a friend or colleague referred them? Through the ARN Refer-a-Friend program, current members are able to expose their colleagues to ARN's nursing education resources, certification opportunities, an extensive network of rehab nursing professionals, and research—all while making themselves eligible to win awesome prizes like a free year of membership or complimentary conference registration.
Did you know that accidental falls is considered a national health crisis with a high-risk factor amongst individuals with cancer?
Rehabilitation Nursing uses the online editorial management system, Editorial Manager, for submission of manuscripts. The website (https://www.editorialmanager.com/rnj/default.aspx), in addition to serving as the repository of manuscripts, provides important information for both authors and reviewers. Here is an overview of the information you can find on the Editorial Manager website.
Dear Colleagues,
As the year 2020 entered its final month, a groundbreaking, must-read article was published in The Lancet that necessitates ARN's attention and action. ARN is the only national and international specialty association for rehabilitation nurses in the world positioned to respond to the call for action posed in this article.
The ARN Board of Directors selected Kathy Clark, MSN RN CRRN FARN, and Rosemarie King, PhD RN, as the 2020 recipients of Distinguished Service Awards. This award acknowledges their service and contribution to rehabilitation nursing and to the organization as a whole. This award also recognizes their leadership and commitment to the field through their active participation in ARN events and activities.
When you think about 2020 you may think about vision. 20/20 vision is a term that indicates normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance.
ARN is excited to announce plans to renew Encompass Health as an institutional member for the year 2021-2022. Established in 2020, this partnership allows ARN to enhance its advocacy for rehabilitation nursing and the improvement of healthcare delivery.
Happy new year, ARN members! We are pleased to present the January 2021 issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
ARN is proud to announce that three ARN members have been officially appointed to National Quality Forum (NQF) committees. NQF's mission is to promote and ensure patient protections and healthcare quality through measurement and public reporting. The ARN and NQF work hand in hand to support quality health care delivery. This partnership now includes three ARN appointees who will provide vital rehabilitation nursing perspectives to the following national NQF Committees:
In June of last year following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, ARN 2019-2020 President Barbara Lutz, PhD RN CRRN PHNA-BC FAHA FAAN and Executive Director Gayle Irvin, MPH CAE issued a joint statement on racism and public health. In the statement, Barb and Gayle wrote, "ARN is committed to standing with our nursing, public health, and community partners to address issues of racial inequality, health inequity, and implicit bias. As rehabilitation nurses, we are committed to helping people recover from disabling illness and injury and prevent further disability. We can use that same commitment to address the debilitating and disabling effects of racism on the health and well-being of our citizens and our communities. It is our duty…it is our calling."
We love to celebrate all the hard work Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse (CRRN®) certificants put into their patient care and how they show their knowledge and passion by earning the CRRN. This month, we are recognizing Amy Martin-Madeley, MAEd BSN RN CRRN, and her commitment to rehabilitation nursing.
A statement from ARN President Dr. Patricia A. Quigley in response to the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your January/February 2021 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
ARN is committed to impacting healthcare as a leader in influencing rehabilitation public policy. As a part of this commitment we want to ensure that our members have the knowledge and opportunity to participate in the creation of public policy and advocacy related to rehabilitation nursing. In that spirit, we are pleased to announce the ARN Nurses in Washington Internship (NIWI) Scholarship!
In her first President's Message of 2021, Dr. Patricia Quigley calls on rehabilitation nurses to fill in gaps within existing COVID-19 research literature by publishing their stories, and, in doing so, assert the vital role of rehabilitation nurses in the care of COVID patients, their families, and their caregivers.
ARN is seeking reviewers to read and evaluate abstract submissions for its 2021 annual conference, which will be held November 10-13 in Providence, Rhode Island. If you hold a BSN degree or higher and are an ARN member in good standing, you are eligible to participate!
The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) presented the 2020 Chapter Award to our two newest chapters—the Delaware Chapter, established in July 2019, and the Baystate Chapter, established in March 2020. The award, which recognizes the hard work and perseverance of chapters, was presented at ARN's 2020 REACH conference held virtually October 20–22.
We are pleased to present the December issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
Given all that has been going on this year, we know it was difficult for many rehabilitation nurses to work in time for their own personal and professional development. Wrap up your 2020 by saving an extra $20 on ARN's full library of webinars as well as the essential reference for rehab nursing, The Specialty Practice of Rehabilitation Nursing: A Core Curriculum, 8th Ed. Use code BYE2020 at checkout to apply your discount. As always, members get the best rates on ARN products.
The Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) contains educational content that focuses on contemporary rehabilitation nursing practice across the continuum of care and the lifespan. The journal is published every other month and provides opportunities for professional development, as well as a forum for the dissemination of information pertinent to practice, education, research, and administration. RNJ editors strive to provide a journal that disseminates timely information and new trends in practice each issue.
Revisiting a popular Rehabilitation Nursing Journal study that used manual and automatic chronometers to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the timed up and go test in women with fibromyalgia.
The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) Past-President Barbara J. Lutz, PhD RN CRRN PHNA-BC FAHA FAAN, awarded Michelle Camicia, PhD MSN RN NEA-BC CCM CRRN FAHA PHN FARN, the 2020 President's Award. The award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of rehabilitation nursing, was presented at REACH 2020, ARN's Annual Educational Conference held virtually October 21–24.
On October 21, ARN inducted its 2020 class of fellows during the REACH 2020 virtual conference. Established in 2019, the ARN Fellow Designation (FARN) is the most distinguished level of member, as well as a public hallmark of professional esteem.
In her December 2020 President's Message, Dr. Patricia Quigley reflects on 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife celebrations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and applauds ARN members for their resilience. In the spirit of giving this holiday season, Dr. Quigley urges members to consider giving their colleagues a gift that keeps giving: The gift of an ARN membership.
We are pleased to present the November issue of the ARN Health Policy Digest. This member benefit provides updates on health policy and legislative and regulatory developments that may be of interest to rehabilitation nurses.
From the first world war to more recent disasters, such as the 2015 Nepal earthquake, the importance of integrating rehabilitation into emergency responses to conflicts and disasters has been clear. To help meet this need, the World Health Organization (WHO) has worked alongside a number of organizations to support the development of a field handbook and eLearning modules on "Early Rehabilitation in Conflicts and Disasters".
As leaders in the rehabilitation nursing field, you know that while we are fighting the pandemic and working to limit the virus' spread, we are also facing the challenge of identifying and treating the long-term effects of COVID-19.
The Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) contains educational content that focuses on contemporary rehabilitation nursing practice across the continuum of care and the lifespan. The journal is published every other month and provides opportunities for professional development, as well as a forum for the dissemination of information pertinent to practice, education, research, and administration. RNJ editors strive to provide a journal that disseminates timely information and new trends in practice each issue.
In this issue of RNJ Corner, RNJ Associate Editor, Linda L. Pierce, PhD MSN RN CRRN FAAN, discusses what to look for in an author mentor and mentee relationship, and how you can look at the relationship from a learning perspective.
During REACH 2020, ARN's annual conference held virtually last month, we announced recipients of the 2020 ARN Role Awards. ARN Role Awards are given for outstanding contributions in various aspects of rehabilitation nursing. They offer members and opportunity to acknowledge their peers and colleagues for their exemplary work and service. Please join us in congratulating and celebrating the following Role Award recipients!
Each year, ARN's annual conference features poster presentations that provide access to the latest research and emerging treatments and therapies in rehabiliation nursing. Presented virtually this year, the 2020 REACH posters again showed us the breadth and depth of the work of rehabilitation nurses.
If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your November/December 2020 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.

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